Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Blog so long, it took two days.

Greetings, all. I am broadcasting to you all live from the library! Oh, the excitement! Well, there is a TON I need to say, and my dad's warning of don't take to long is preventing me of telling you what you NEED to know. So, I will either fix this up quick, or take my time and put it up tomorrow, Wednesday. When you have read this far, you'll know which one I chose.

I am not going to say everything in the order they happened, because I clearly don't feel like it and I feel there are some things more exciting then the other. Firstly, I got a new phone! Squeal! It's the ENV TOUCH! And, yes! It is beautiful! It's got a touch screen, (obviously), and when your scrolling through the comments, it makes a kind of "spin the wheel" type of noise, which, to me, is the best thing you could think of when making a phone. I already got some pictures on it, the quality is great, and I sent some pictures from a website to my phone featuring Doctor Who and Turk and JD. Now, here's the exciting story. My mom and I went to the Verizon store, I had 153 dollars and a broad grin on my face. Turns out, the phone, even with the plan we already acquire, was around $400, despite my research. With a sad face, I turn to leave, wondering what I'll tell my friends. Then, out of no where, my cousin, who is the freakin' manager of the place, comes out and gives us the phone for half off. My mom, oh bless her, offers to pay the 50 dollars I did not acquire. This all happened Friday, right after school.

The following happened about 2 and a half hours ago. I got home from school, cracked open a can of coke, chugged a bit, petted my dog, and realized something. There might be something in the mailbox. I rush outside, crossing the dangerously fast road, rip open the door to the spider infested mailbox and gaze at a beautiful, extravagant white wrapping paper around a biggish box. I take it all off, and rest my eyes on my very own... John Green Bobble Head. Yes, I was one of the lucky hundred or maybe more on the Secret Project mailing list and we got first dibs. It depicts John holding a large black book, standing on a black podium so to speak, with "DFTBA" written on it in large, white lettering. The puff-levels are clearly not very high, although I love it anyways. I am now, in very much need of a Hank Green Bobble Head. Someone! Make it happen!

The following happened Saturday night. I had done basically nothing all day besides mow my mom's boyfriend's lawn and watch a movie or whatever I did. So, I suggested we all go mini-golfing. Sure! I invited my buddy, Wynne, (You'll probably hear my about him some time later,) but, he did not pick up. I learned that he was home at the time, didn't hear me call, and didn't know my number, so he couldn't call back. Excuse me for a second. -.- Okay, back. I then called my trusty friend, Austen, not to be confused with Austin. He did not pick up either. We speed down the street, and we see him sitting on his doorstep. Turns out, he needed some air, and didn't get the call, but ended up joining us. I love how funny life can turn out to be. I, don't really know how this happened, beat everyone, even beating my mom's boyfriend who is really good at regular golf. Out of all that happened, what I told you is all I can bother to remember. But, trust me, a lot of fun and memorable things happened that night. (Not in that way, you perv.)

The following happened Sunday night, (I need to blog more...) Austen and I went over to our friend, Madi's house. She goes to a different school then us now, so we miss her and don't see her much anymore. We hung out, talked, danced to "She Wolf", threw a huge bouncy ball, read some of her super secret diary, watching most of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, ate ribs and corn cake, and a lot more things. Austen, it seems, as always sort of liked Madi, sometimes obviously. She has a boyfriend now, apparently, so he was kind of moody at times. Or maybe, I don't really know. I was only an observer. Austen left early, around 10:15, missing the bonfire. I stayed until 11:00, so I got some bonfire time! Oh, yeah! Madi and I tried to finish Roger Rabbit unsuccessfully. I had the biggest smore I never wanted to have. (The marshmallows appeared to be on steroids.) When I was going to leave, we sat on her doorsteps and talked about how we met, and how we're still friends now. "Well, it's been really nice hanging out and seeing you again. It seems like we missed out on this sort of thing." I said. She sadly nodded, it appeared. We had one goodbye hug, said we'll see each other sometime soon, neither of us sure, and I left. I am going to call this event the Great Bus Buddie Reunion '09.

9/9/09 What you have just read was written yesterday. My dad made me leave the library. If you wondering why I didn't write at home, well, that was because my laptop battery cord stopped working and a new one should come in the mail. So, I decided to finish this post on my mother's computer. Not much left! Hooray!

I am planning to do Lauren Fairweather's YouTube Background Challenge when I come up with an idea and get around to doing it. Another thing on my mind that I'm doing is the Big Secret Surprise Letters Event. I'm going to be sending Harry Potter-themed letters to my friend Wynne, just for funsies. One is going to be from Ron, one from Hermione, and one from Hogwarts. They're all going to be made so they are like directed towards Harry. I'm going to start doing that soon. (I hope Wynne doesn't read this.) Well, that's about it! Goodbye!

Followers: 6 (I welcome whoever has joined!)

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