Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

With A Little Help From My Friends

I think this is the latest I've decided to blog, at least on a school night. I finished all my homework earlier and started homework that was due Tuesday, so I'm content with what I did. I am currently on my mother's computer again, hopefully for the last time, because the laptop cord is expected to come in tomorrow. Finally! Now, I must tell you about my day, forgetting yesterday entirely.

School happened as usual until, Math class. Oh, boy. Our teacher gives us a 5-minute warm-up sheet, usually consisting of 4 to 9 math problems about things we learned a year or two ago and completely forgot. I have a horrible feeling I am going to fail this class, just because she either doesn't give me enough time to finish all the problems or she gives me to much problems. Either way, I think, with all things considered, that my teacher does not deserve the honor of being respected. Don't think I'm being harsh, because if you had to take her math class, I bet you would also despise her as much as I do. Well, enough angry ranting. There is much happiness to come!

Almost before school ends, I'm packing up all my things to head home. With my backpack on the disgustingly dirty floor, I am shoving things I need for tonight for homework and such. I zip up my backpack and swing my head and body up into the air and into full standing position. I, in fact, never got that far. About half way up, I slam my head into my neighbor's open locker door. Ouch. I bet I'm not the only one who's ever done it, but it hurt. Bad. For the next three minutes, I was half laughing, half holding in my explosive pain.

When school's over, I proudly walk past the bus I usually get on after school like the home-life person I am, because, yes, I am actually doing something after school. Wynne, my friend I mentioned before, and I walk down to the library, not far from our school. While walking, some girl in a car passing us screams something that later sounded like "Save the whales!" or something strange. As the mature person I am, I yell back, "Kill me!", without really thinking. Wynne and I laugh some more. We hang out at the library for like twenty minutes, doing homework and stuff, and then walk back to school to meet with one of our friends. Blonde, and with a perky attitude, walks out Gabby, friends of both Wynne and I. We take another walk to Gabby's house, drop off our backpacks, I eat some crackers and drink some water, and then we cross the street again and go to the corn maze, which must be very new. We each give the guys a fiver, and run in with wild abandon. I race ahead, and drop my money in the process. Picking it up, Gabby runs past me, says "Fail!" and speeds past a turn. Later, I catch up, we all decide not to run anymore, and start splitting up and trying to find a route out. At one point, we lose Wynne and don't find him until near the end. The maze kept reminding me of Goblet of Fire. Ahhh.

After what seems like an hour, we find the exit. It only took us 30 minutes. Too easy, guys. 6 hick-looking farmer type boys and a shirtless dude all sitting up on the Farm Truck ask us questions like "How was it?", "To easy?" and "Want to go grab an apple?" We all snag a bright, red apple, which had that country farm charm and tasted like no apple before. We realize we have an hour until my mom picks us up, so we head back to Gabby's house to chill.

After a while of watching Gabby do homework, eat crackers and drink some more water, and looking at Wynne texting on his brand-spanking-new phone, we all get to talking about the weirdest things such as The Wizard of Oz, short and long relationships, what exactly an eating disorder is, just being silly like the friends we are, and commenting how weird we all are, etc. The whole afternoon was pretty exciting and I still can't get over how good the apple was. I want another now. It feels like Gabby and I are much better friends now that we've hung out more, and Wynne and I seem to have become best friends. It's weird how life's like that. It's also nice, though.

Oh, and Wynne might be on to me about his Surprise Letters. I let something slip about a "surprise on my blog" or something, so he might've seen it. I'm not sure at the moment. Well, it's getting late, and I'm going to go look for an apple! Bye!

Money: $37
Followers: 6


  1. random question: is your last name of french decent?

  2. descent* wayon, i really need a spell check. (wayon [way-uh] is a local french word said in surprise or annoyance, but i have no idea what the exact translation is, haha)

  3. lmao, im not gonna stalk you, i was just curious because i live in a very french community, and the majority of my friends here have french last names, so yeah. haha
