Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taylor Swift is a goat and The Polar Express

CW #3 9/23/09

Hello, Blog! I am writing this blog post straight from Language Arts! We have something called Creative Writing that we do every Wednesday. It's probably my favorite part of Wednesday. I enjoy it when school allows you to be creative, although they don't much. Our teacher only gave us seven minutes to write today, because we're going to have some test. Seven minutes!? That's nothing! I'll probably just be able to finish the opening paragraph. It's about 1:06 in the afternoon, and after this we have Skills Block! It's like Study Hall; you get to try and complete some of your homework and read, etc. It feels very weird to be blogging in a class with no computers. It feels like I'm an author who must record his story, even though he will just have to copy this again later. I feel very... secretive.

What you just read was from Wednesday. I copied it down to this blog last night. I was going to write more, but it was getting late and I had to study for three quizzes the next day, so I just didn't. Although, I've had a pretty fun week, and I'd love to share it with you. Off we go!

Monday: Oh, gosh. Monday seems so far away now. I can hardly remember what I did, if anything. Oh! I remember now! I spent the entire night working on my friend, Wynne's birthday present. I made him letters that make it look like they're from Ron, Hermione, and Hogwarts, all of them coming straight out of Prisoner of Azkaban. I even included the Sneakoscope in Ron's letter, (It's a circular rock with a whole in it, unlike the original glass spinney-thing.)

Tuesday: Tuesday was pretty fun. My dad picks me and my brother up at five, and says were meeting people up at an ice cream place in the mountains. He says they were the "Monkey chow people." I instantly remember who they were. They're this four person family who, for some strange reason, we got to talking about Toy Story 2, and if you don't get the reference, go watch the movie again. We got there early and had our ice creams when we got there. They showed up on time, and were kind of angry that we ate before they got there. I tried a riddle out on them also. "What do you put in a toaster?" And, they both say," Toast". That cracked me up. Later, we were watching the goats. One was a brownish color and one was white. They would headbutt each other and we would yell "Go Whitey!" and such things. Then, we ended up calling them Taylor Swift and Kanye West. "Oh, Taylor! Why are you peeing on the stump!?"

Wednesday: Our dad picks us up at five and we go to one of his friends house and have pizza. I think I had about four or five pieces, I was that hungry. After, my mom picked me up and we went to go see the 70th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz Special Airing at the local theater. At the beginning, it showed a short documentary type of thing, telling us more about the actors and actresses and such. When the movie came on, it looked so nice and clear. I felt like I was in the 1900's and watching it for the first time. It was magical. I then got home to my dad's at about 9:20, got undressed, had a drink, and went to bed.

Thursday: I remember in Social Studies that we were talking about people in India and how most of them get cremated when they die. She told us to close our eyes and raise our hand if you wanted to be cremated or buried when we died. I wasn't sure, but raised my hand for cremation. When I die, I don't want people digging me up and molesting me or something, you know? Once I got home, I wandered lazily around my room for most the night. I watched the Polar Express because I was in the Christmas mood and I ended up buying a signed copy of the Polar Express book on Ebay. The funny this is that it was signed, "To Ben". I then finished my homework, barely studied for the three quizzes and went to bed.

Friday: I studied for the three quizzes on the bus with my friend Alex, and ended up doing, what I think, perfectly on the Social Studies and Science quizzes. I asked the math teacher and found out I got an 89 on the quiz. That's good enough for me! At lunch, I gave Wynne an early part of his present; a cake that I bought for $1.50, but was still good, he said. I caught popcorn in my mouth, jumped recklessly off of the swings at recess. I am now home, and my dad's going to be here VERY SOON. I need to go! Goodbye!

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Followers: 7

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