Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The pathetic-ness surges through the veins.

Yes, you probably think I am dead. Well, I'm not. I haven't been very busy either. Which leads you to believe that Ben doesn't want to blog anymore. UNTRUE! I love to blog, but sometimes it just happens when you need a break. You can understand this, right? Well, since it's been so long, I don't think I'm going to tell you everything that happened for the past two weeks. (Where did the days go!?) So, I will give you a quick update, and then I have to leave for my dad's. But, I swear to God, I will blog on Monday, when I have no school. Deal? All, right:

-I have finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and they were both, in a word, brilliant. I recommend them to anyone. Go buy them. And, don't you DARE buy one without the other. Get them both.

-I am currently listening to Christmas music and putting them on my iPod. I know, it's a bit early, but I am SO in the mood for Christmas. You don't even know.

-I have started Twittering again! I figured out how to do it from your phone, so expect to be updated much more frequently! It's like a tiny bit of a blog!

-That's all I can think of. This blog post is completely pathetic. I will either update it Monday, delete it, or just leave it. I have not decided. Well, I'm going now. I'll see you guys Monday. Good Tidings!

Money: $10 (AHH)
Followers: 7 (YAY)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Herb Goldman's the name, movie-making's the game.

It is a Monday night, I am sitting here eating popcorn and am deeply disappointed in myself. You remember how I said I would blog last Monday? Well, I didn't. Too bad. I still haven't done my homework, so you blog readers better feel special. I will now commence in to telling you more about my current life events. Like you care.

Saturday night, I went to one of my friend's house for a Halloween/birthday party. There was a murder mystery thing where we were all different people and had to interview other people, and figure out who the murder was. I was Herb Goldman, a snooty movie-director who wants to film movies at Spookum Manor, the place we were "at". Everyone thought I killed him because then I could make movies. My friend, Brett, was Captain Bluebeard. All he had for a costume was a crudely-made newspaper hat with the word "Captin" on it. I was decked out in a Hawaiian shirt, a green hat that didn't match with the shirt, sunglasses, and a fake mustache. I changed the fake mustache for another one every hour or so and people kept saying things like "I thought it was black before?" They had a karaoke machine, so after almost everyone was gone except for my friends Gavin and Ali, I started singing in my loverly voice. "Sugar duh nah nah nuh Ooh Honey Honey" could be heard throughout Spookum Manor. Oh! And another thing. When I was outside, it was COMPLETELY QUIET. Like scary quiet. There was NO NOISE. It was just freaky. Well, that's all you need to know. Moving on!

The following is a Social Studies assignment when I had to try and convince the class that a circular object our teacher showed us was a bracelet. I got about half of the class to side with me and I later found out that it was actually a bracelet. This was extra credit, by the way. xD

"See that circular object up there? Well, that is a heavy bracelet, obviously. I mean, look at it! It's shaped like a bracelet and it looks like a bracelet. It's even giving off a bracelet vibe. It is clearly a woman's bracelet, because I don't know many men who wear bracelets. It is not made out of metal, because this is a very old bracelet. Metal was hard to come by back then. That is why Indians made jewelry out of pottery like this. I would not hesitate when declaring this was a bracelet. What else could it be? The object would fit perfectly onto someones wrist because it is, in fact, a bracelet. Don't feel like believing me? Well, that's your own decision. I am confident that all the children who are smart and logical will agree with me on the fact of this being, most definitely, a heavy bracelet. How dare you suggest this of being a necklace? You think that a neck could fit through that hole? A wrist maybe, but a neck is out of the question. Aren't some children just desperate to believe what they want to be true? Even when it's not? Yes, yes they are. Smart children know the answer is that this is in fact, a bracelet. Don't agree? Well, nobody cares. So, why not be a smart child?"

I love how I did on that. Oh, and my L.A teacher asked for one of my essays for an example for future classes. How cool is that? Pretty cool to me. On the subject of Creative Writing, I am most likely, probably, maybe not, going to participate in NaNoWriMo. This stands for National Novel Writing Month, which happens in November. My friend Gabby and I are both going to try and do it. We will definitely fail. At least we're going to try. That's all that really matters to us. I still don't have an idea for what it's going to be about yet though. That's not too good. Another thing, is that I'm still not sure what I should be for Halloween. I'm thinking Edward Cullen or Dumbledore or someone. I'm still debating. I only have about two weeks left, so I better hurry. Well, I got some homework to do and fiveawesomegirls videos to watch. Good evening.

Money: $36 (Mowed my mom's boyfriend's lawn for the last time last week. Going to need to find a way to get some money.)
Followers: 7 (COMMENT, I SAY.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mr. Poe's Going to Eat His Heart Out!

The following contains content from Creative Writing in Language Arts on Wednesday. There may or may not be some opinions or comments after each one. Enjoy!

CW #1 9/9/09
4. The lawn appeared to be green. The old, oak tree's leaves were already brightly orange or yellow or red. Almost half of the leaves were missing, although none littered the ground. Just then, one enthusiastic leaf decided to leap off his stem and into the wild breeze beyond. Sadly, the leaf did travel long before it's course became altered and he was sent to the ground. Upon making contact, the leaf felt a tingling sensation and spontaneously burst into flame. Within seconds, the leaf, the very enthusiastic leaf, was gone from this universe entirely.
Somewhere in another universe, upon a very green planet, a very enthusiastic, bright red leaf appeared out of no where upon the very green lawn. Along came a being that looked slightly human, but mostly alien. He had a green skin tone, "How cliche." he thought. There were more than four eyeballs covering his forehead and he wore a bright purple suit. Upon that suit was a name tag which read; Leafroy. Leafroy was in existence for one reason only. The "Autumn Leaves", he heard they were called. They provided him nourishment and mostly, love.

I wrote that when I couldn't think of anything to write. I looked out the window and saw a tree with almost half of the leaves gone. But, I couldn't see a single leaf on the ground. I found that quite odd. Thus, I started writing and this is what showed up. Well, on to the next one!

CW #2 9/16/09
4. The students had a plan. An evil plan. A most likely illegal plan. It all started on a Tuesday, go figure, when the students all sat down. Charlie had brought something to school. Something dangerous. This sounds like the back of an incredibly "target the teenagers" type of book which is full of teenager problems, a bomb report and romantically inclined vampire. I mean, that's all that people are writing. Somehow, vampires became alluring. I miss when vampires were terrifying creatures that sucked blood of innocent people and didn't care at all. Now, they don't even turn into bats. OKAY, BORING TOPIC! Charlie kicked the bomb, it went off, they all died, the end.

I have no idea why I decided to write this, but it is completely honest when I'm talking about vampires these days. I mean, sure, we can all deal with Twilight. But, all I'm seeing these days, are romantic novels, most of the time including vampires. I bet I'm not the only one who's noticing this. Well, enough rambling. Next one!

CW #4 9/30/09
4. The author decided it was time for the banker to die. Mr. Poe was driving along in his black Oldsmobile when a mysterious man lunged in front of him. Mr. Poe swerved, crashing into a gas station, it exploded. "Well, that's the end of that." said the figure, who was Jim Carrey. Out of the billowing sheets of smoke, Mr. Poe emerged, a shotgun in hand. This battle was going to happen now, not later. Jim Carrey took out a machete, and they got to work. Slicing and dicing, shooting and dodging, only one would be the victor. Mr. Poe bounces up to Jim Carrey, his belly jiggling. "There can be only one!" he screamed, and shoved his hand into one of Jim Carrey's wounds, pulling out his heart. He then took a bite of it.

Oh, wow. Apparently, this is a Series of Unfortunate Events, Jim Carrey and Highlander parody. I really like the idea of Mr. Poe being all bad-ass and the part where I wrote "billowing sheets of smoke". It kind of disturbed me when I read the part about the heart, but it would be so cool if it was in the Unfortunate Events movie. Under this, was a picture of a fat man in a suit and top hat with a poorly drawn heart in his hand with a bite mark. He is saying, "Oh, delectable!"

Well, that seems like enough for one blog post. I might write another one later tonight telling what I did this past week, or I'll write it tomorrow. Either way, see you guys soon!

Money: $22.50 (Some of it is lunch money.)
Followers: 7 (You guys should comment...)