ben-adryl for your life

Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The pathetic-ness surges through the veins.

Yes, you probably think I am dead. Well, I'm not. I haven't been very busy either. Which leads you to believe that Ben doesn't want to blog anymore. UNTRUE! I love to blog, but sometimes it just happens when you need a break. You can understand this, right? Well, since it's been so long, I don't think I'm going to tell you everything that happened for the past two weeks. (Where did the days go!?) So, I will give you a quick update, and then I have to leave for my dad's. But, I swear to God, I will blog on Monday, when I have no school. Deal? All, right:

-I have finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and they were both, in a word, brilliant. I recommend them to anyone. Go buy them. And, don't you DARE buy one without the other. Get them both.

-I am currently listening to Christmas music and putting them on my iPod. I know, it's a bit early, but I am SO in the mood for Christmas. You don't even know.

-I have started Twittering again! I figured out how to do it from your phone, so expect to be updated much more frequently! It's like a tiny bit of a blog!

-That's all I can think of. This blog post is completely pathetic. I will either update it Monday, delete it, or just leave it. I have not decided. Well, I'm going now. I'll see you guys Monday. Good Tidings!

Money: $10 (AHH)
Followers: 7 (YAY)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Herb Goldman's the name, movie-making's the game.

It is a Monday night, I am sitting here eating popcorn and am deeply disappointed in myself. You remember how I said I would blog last Monday? Well, I didn't. Too bad. I still haven't done my homework, so you blog readers better feel special. I will now commence in to telling you more about my current life events. Like you care.

Saturday night, I went to one of my friend's house for a Halloween/birthday party. There was a murder mystery thing where we were all different people and had to interview other people, and figure out who the murder was. I was Herb Goldman, a snooty movie-director who wants to film movies at Spookum Manor, the place we were "at". Everyone thought I killed him because then I could make movies. My friend, Brett, was Captain Bluebeard. All he had for a costume was a crudely-made newspaper hat with the word "Captin" on it. I was decked out in a Hawaiian shirt, a green hat that didn't match with the shirt, sunglasses, and a fake mustache. I changed the fake mustache for another one every hour or so and people kept saying things like "I thought it was black before?" They had a karaoke machine, so after almost everyone was gone except for my friends Gavin and Ali, I started singing in my loverly voice. "Sugar duh nah nah nuh Ooh Honey Honey" could be heard throughout Spookum Manor. Oh! And another thing. When I was outside, it was COMPLETELY QUIET. Like scary quiet. There was NO NOISE. It was just freaky. Well, that's all you need to know. Moving on!

The following is a Social Studies assignment when I had to try and convince the class that a circular object our teacher showed us was a bracelet. I got about half of the class to side with me and I later found out that it was actually a bracelet. This was extra credit, by the way. xD

"See that circular object up there? Well, that is a heavy bracelet, obviously. I mean, look at it! It's shaped like a bracelet and it looks like a bracelet. It's even giving off a bracelet vibe. It is clearly a woman's bracelet, because I don't know many men who wear bracelets. It is not made out of metal, because this is a very old bracelet. Metal was hard to come by back then. That is why Indians made jewelry out of pottery like this. I would not hesitate when declaring this was a bracelet. What else could it be? The object would fit perfectly onto someones wrist because it is, in fact, a bracelet. Don't feel like believing me? Well, that's your own decision. I am confident that all the children who are smart and logical will agree with me on the fact of this being, most definitely, a heavy bracelet. How dare you suggest this of being a necklace? You think that a neck could fit through that hole? A wrist maybe, but a neck is out of the question. Aren't some children just desperate to believe what they want to be true? Even when it's not? Yes, yes they are. Smart children know the answer is that this is in fact, a bracelet. Don't agree? Well, nobody cares. So, why not be a smart child?"

I love how I did on that. Oh, and my L.A teacher asked for one of my essays for an example for future classes. How cool is that? Pretty cool to me. On the subject of Creative Writing, I am most likely, probably, maybe not, going to participate in NaNoWriMo. This stands for National Novel Writing Month, which happens in November. My friend Gabby and I are both going to try and do it. We will definitely fail. At least we're going to try. That's all that really matters to us. I still don't have an idea for what it's going to be about yet though. That's not too good. Another thing, is that I'm still not sure what I should be for Halloween. I'm thinking Edward Cullen or Dumbledore or someone. I'm still debating. I only have about two weeks left, so I better hurry. Well, I got some homework to do and fiveawesomegirls videos to watch. Good evening.

Money: $36 (Mowed my mom's boyfriend's lawn for the last time last week. Going to need to find a way to get some money.)
Followers: 7 (COMMENT, I SAY.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mr. Poe's Going to Eat His Heart Out!

The following contains content from Creative Writing in Language Arts on Wednesday. There may or may not be some opinions or comments after each one. Enjoy!

CW #1 9/9/09
4. The lawn appeared to be green. The old, oak tree's leaves were already brightly orange or yellow or red. Almost half of the leaves were missing, although none littered the ground. Just then, one enthusiastic leaf decided to leap off his stem and into the wild breeze beyond. Sadly, the leaf did travel long before it's course became altered and he was sent to the ground. Upon making contact, the leaf felt a tingling sensation and spontaneously burst into flame. Within seconds, the leaf, the very enthusiastic leaf, was gone from this universe entirely.
Somewhere in another universe, upon a very green planet, a very enthusiastic, bright red leaf appeared out of no where upon the very green lawn. Along came a being that looked slightly human, but mostly alien. He had a green skin tone, "How cliche." he thought. There were more than four eyeballs covering his forehead and he wore a bright purple suit. Upon that suit was a name tag which read; Leafroy. Leafroy was in existence for one reason only. The "Autumn Leaves", he heard they were called. They provided him nourishment and mostly, love.

I wrote that when I couldn't think of anything to write. I looked out the window and saw a tree with almost half of the leaves gone. But, I couldn't see a single leaf on the ground. I found that quite odd. Thus, I started writing and this is what showed up. Well, on to the next one!

CW #2 9/16/09
4. The students had a plan. An evil plan. A most likely illegal plan. It all started on a Tuesday, go figure, when the students all sat down. Charlie had brought something to school. Something dangerous. This sounds like the back of an incredibly "target the teenagers" type of book which is full of teenager problems, a bomb report and romantically inclined vampire. I mean, that's all that people are writing. Somehow, vampires became alluring. I miss when vampires were terrifying creatures that sucked blood of innocent people and didn't care at all. Now, they don't even turn into bats. OKAY, BORING TOPIC! Charlie kicked the bomb, it went off, they all died, the end.

I have no idea why I decided to write this, but it is completely honest when I'm talking about vampires these days. I mean, sure, we can all deal with Twilight. But, all I'm seeing these days, are romantic novels, most of the time including vampires. I bet I'm not the only one who's noticing this. Well, enough rambling. Next one!

CW #4 9/30/09
4. The author decided it was time for the banker to die. Mr. Poe was driving along in his black Oldsmobile when a mysterious man lunged in front of him. Mr. Poe swerved, crashing into a gas station, it exploded. "Well, that's the end of that." said the figure, who was Jim Carrey. Out of the billowing sheets of smoke, Mr. Poe emerged, a shotgun in hand. This battle was going to happen now, not later. Jim Carrey took out a machete, and they got to work. Slicing and dicing, shooting and dodging, only one would be the victor. Mr. Poe bounces up to Jim Carrey, his belly jiggling. "There can be only one!" he screamed, and shoved his hand into one of Jim Carrey's wounds, pulling out his heart. He then took a bite of it.

Oh, wow. Apparently, this is a Series of Unfortunate Events, Jim Carrey and Highlander parody. I really like the idea of Mr. Poe being all bad-ass and the part where I wrote "billowing sheets of smoke". It kind of disturbed me when I read the part about the heart, but it would be so cool if it was in the Unfortunate Events movie. Under this, was a picture of a fat man in a suit and top hat with a poorly drawn heart in his hand with a bite mark. He is saying, "Oh, delectable!"

Well, that seems like enough for one blog post. I might write another one later tonight telling what I did this past week, or I'll write it tomorrow. Either way, see you guys soon!

Money: $22.50 (Some of it is lunch money.)
Followers: 7 (You guys should comment...)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taylor Swift is a goat and The Polar Express

CW #3 9/23/09

Hello, Blog! I am writing this blog post straight from Language Arts! We have something called Creative Writing that we do every Wednesday. It's probably my favorite part of Wednesday. I enjoy it when school allows you to be creative, although they don't much. Our teacher only gave us seven minutes to write today, because we're going to have some test. Seven minutes!? That's nothing! I'll probably just be able to finish the opening paragraph. It's about 1:06 in the afternoon, and after this we have Skills Block! It's like Study Hall; you get to try and complete some of your homework and read, etc. It feels very weird to be blogging in a class with no computers. It feels like I'm an author who must record his story, even though he will just have to copy this again later. I feel very... secretive.

What you just read was from Wednesday. I copied it down to this blog last night. I was going to write more, but it was getting late and I had to study for three quizzes the next day, so I just didn't. Although, I've had a pretty fun week, and I'd love to share it with you. Off we go!

Monday: Oh, gosh. Monday seems so far away now. I can hardly remember what I did, if anything. Oh! I remember now! I spent the entire night working on my friend, Wynne's birthday present. I made him letters that make it look like they're from Ron, Hermione, and Hogwarts, all of them coming straight out of Prisoner of Azkaban. I even included the Sneakoscope in Ron's letter, (It's a circular rock with a whole in it, unlike the original glass spinney-thing.)

Tuesday: Tuesday was pretty fun. My dad picks me and my brother up at five, and says were meeting people up at an ice cream place in the mountains. He says they were the "Monkey chow people." I instantly remember who they were. They're this four person family who, for some strange reason, we got to talking about Toy Story 2, and if you don't get the reference, go watch the movie again. We got there early and had our ice creams when we got there. They showed up on time, and were kind of angry that we ate before they got there. I tried a riddle out on them also. "What do you put in a toaster?" And, they both say," Toast". That cracked me up. Later, we were watching the goats. One was a brownish color and one was white. They would headbutt each other and we would yell "Go Whitey!" and such things. Then, we ended up calling them Taylor Swift and Kanye West. "Oh, Taylor! Why are you peeing on the stump!?"

Wednesday: Our dad picks us up at five and we go to one of his friends house and have pizza. I think I had about four or five pieces, I was that hungry. After, my mom picked me up and we went to go see the 70th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz Special Airing at the local theater. At the beginning, it showed a short documentary type of thing, telling us more about the actors and actresses and such. When the movie came on, it looked so nice and clear. I felt like I was in the 1900's and watching it for the first time. It was magical. I then got home to my dad's at about 9:20, got undressed, had a drink, and went to bed.

Thursday: I remember in Social Studies that we were talking about people in India and how most of them get cremated when they die. She told us to close our eyes and raise our hand if you wanted to be cremated or buried when we died. I wasn't sure, but raised my hand for cremation. When I die, I don't want people digging me up and molesting me or something, you know? Once I got home, I wandered lazily around my room for most the night. I watched the Polar Express because I was in the Christmas mood and I ended up buying a signed copy of the Polar Express book on Ebay. The funny this is that it was signed, "To Ben". I then finished my homework, barely studied for the three quizzes and went to bed.

Friday: I studied for the three quizzes on the bus with my friend Alex, and ended up doing, what I think, perfectly on the Social Studies and Science quizzes. I asked the math teacher and found out I got an 89 on the quiz. That's good enough for me! At lunch, I gave Wynne an early part of his present; a cake that I bought for $1.50, but was still good, he said. I caught popcorn in my mouth, jumped recklessly off of the swings at recess. I am now home, and my dad's going to be here VERY SOON. I need to go! Goodbye!

Money: None?
Followers: 7

Sunday, September 20, 2009

(Insert Title Here)

"Oh my god!" my blog shouts after being woken up. "Is it just me, or did someone just press 'New Post'?" That's right, blog! I have returned from the mental adventure that I have traveled this past week. Oh, who am I kidding. I've done NOTHING worth mentioning this past week. Well, obviously there has to be SOMETHING, but, you know? I just don't really know anymore. Right now, I feel like I'm turning into my friend, Gabby, who blogged about two times and then just was... gone. I don't want that to happen to me. You don't either, right? I hope not. I hope someone out there enjoys reading this Internet journal, even though it doesn't get updated enough, and the author can sometimes not be heard of for days at a time. Well, I am just mentally tired at the moment, so this blog will come to you in list form. Enjoy?

-Yesterday, after getting dressed and ready before noon on a Saturday, (Wow!), I was off to Big Y to go get something that can be home-made. This is because, randomly, on Friday night I thought to myself, "I want to make something. Something like cookies or brownies or a cake or something. Mostly for the fun of making it, partly for the joy of eating it. Make mental note to try and accomplish this tomorrow." And, for once, I DID accomplish something. I bought regular chocolate-chip cookies and double-chocolate-fudge cookies. I also bought Jello, but never ended up making it. I made all of it by myself, thank you very much. And, they were really good! I still have some of each, and am going to bring some to lunch tomorrow for my friends. Hope they like them!

-Today, I woke up at noon, which is pretty late for me. My mom did a very good job weeding the driveway this morning, I didn't even think it was possible, some of it was so weedy. We later went to Barnes and Noble, my safe haven, and I put Nerdfighter notes in all of John Green's books, something I've been waiting to do for a long time. I also bought The Chronicles of Narnia: Leather-bound Edition, The Road to Oz, Catching Fire; the sequel to The Hunger Games, (which I'm going to start after writing this,) and a book called Twitter Wit, a collection of the funniest tweets. I thought I got a pretty good score this time I went. Alas, books cost money. I have none now. Boo.

-On the way there, we stopped by this tiny side street place that was known to make the BEST jerky. We went up to the door, and it said "Closed" in big, intimidating letters. Although, the owner, who happened to be there, opened the door, let me buy a ten dollar bag of Ragin' Buffalo jerky, and rushed us out. It is really good, and I'm going to bring some to school tomorrow with the cookies for a surprise for my friends. They're going to flip.

-I was planning on inviting my friend, Wynne, over all weekend, but never really got around to it. Sorry, Wynne. I just don't really know why I didn't invite him. I should've. OH! Saturday night, I found out from that Half-Blood Prince comes out on DVD on December 8th. I know what's going on my Christmas List! Well, it's getting late, so I should start wrapping this up. About two hours ago, I finished Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. It was really good, but it took me two weeks to finish, which is a pretty long time for me. I enjoyed Douglas Adams' witty humor again and loved the interconnectedness of all events in the entire book. Almost everything had to do with everything. I loved that. But, I also can't wait to read "The Hunger Games" now. I've heard nothing but great things about it. So, hooray!

-I have successfully watched the first three months of videos of the fiveaweomegirls. They are really entertaining vloggers and I highly recommend them. They are all so awesome, that it is impossible to pick a favorite. Kristina, Lauren, Kayley, Hayley, and Liane. Thank you for being awesome.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment! I'll probably remember something that I wanted to include in this, but I'm not remembering that right now. So, goodbye!

Money: $10 (That's all lunch money for this next week.)
Followers: 7 (Let's go for ten!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Shia's just a kid and "THE LEECHES!"


Friday, I was supposed to go to our town carnival that happens for three days every year. It rained. A lot. Luckily, my best friend, Gavin, called me, and after negotiating with my dad, he let me sleep over his house. This was cool because we haven't hung out in a long time. I just put "Life in Technicolor" by Coldplay on in the background while I'm writing this and it really makes me want to write more and more until I've written a book. That's how much it makes me want to write. Well, back to Friday.

We decide to go out to a local, usually hopping, pizza place, mostly know for it's hot wings. We got a pitcher of orange soda which I have not had in such a long time and almost ate an entire large pizza. Gavin showed me this application on his iTouch called Censored! Where you could touch the screen and it made that censored sound effect that is basically just a Beep, but it was SO MUCH FUN. "And then I told her that she was a mother-Beep-er and that she could go eat Beep." you could hear me saying throughout the whole place while we ate our pizza. After, we went back to Gavin's house and played some video games for awhile. He showed me his new CHINCHILLA, named "Gizmo". We got some chocolate ice cream out, and Gavin poured a bunch of chocolate chips in my bowl, which made it really chewy ice cream. Thanks a lot, Gavin! We got Gavin's Netflix's CD of the month out and watched Eagle Eye. It was okay, there were a lot of things I had problems with, like Shia Labeouf swearing and acting all grown up. To me, he's still that kid from The Even Stevens and Holes. Sorry, Shia. You're still a kid. But besides that, the movie was pretty action-packed and crazy and I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't bad.

After, we played some more video games. Then, I showed Gavin I brought the DVD of "A Series of Unfortunate Events", a movie he had never seen. We watched it and he later told me that it was pretty good. I, however, fell asleep before Aunt Josephine got eaten by the leeches! Ah, poor Aunt Josephine. You will not be forgotten. In the morning, we went to the "best doughnut place around." I got a egg and cheese sandwich. Haha. But, it was GOOD. Like usual. After THAT, we went to Gavin's brother's soccer game where we met another of our good friends, Connor. We walked over to the carnival which was nearby, yet not open yet. We played in the playground like the childish people we are, and saw a helicopter take off many times very close to us. We ran towards it at first and Connor's hat went flying and it felt like a James Bond moment. Like, we NEEDED to get on that helicopter. Obviously, we didn't. After after after, Gavin and I go over to the carnival while Connor watches the soccer game because his mom wouldn't let him go.

Saturday, 1:00. Basically, the first people there. We each get twenty tickets and go on all the rides we wanted to about once, since the prices were outrageous. It was so much fun going on the ride with just Gavin and I and not all the annoying people who think they're clever. Later, more and more people started showing up that we knew, and we started hanging out with a very large group. Cam and Gavin walked to the gas station down the street to buy a Monster, an energy drink. "I though monster's are supposed to eat me." I tell my friend, Brett. "That's not funny" he replies. I end up spending 30 dollars at the carnival. $24 on rides, and $6 on food. I bought an order of fries and throughout the day, three Sprites. Even though the skies were white and it was drizzling every now and then, it was a gloomy mood throughout the carnival. IT WAS FUN NEVERTHELESS.

At 6:00, I disappear from the crowd to go watch the parade with my dad and brother. I get some candy, (Nerds too!), and one of those bead necklaces. We then go to an ice cream place up in the mountains. I now realize that I had ice cream twice in two days. I am sorry. Then, we go to the same pizza place I went to on Friday night and I get the "Popeye" which is chicken tenders with fries on the kids menu. The best. After, we go to the hill behind the carnival and watch the fireworks. It was drizzling, it was cold, and I had the feeling that I should've been at the carnival with my friends, not with my dad and very annoying brother. After that, I had a somewhat gloomy attitude. I went to bed soon after and slept a lot.

You don't care about Sunday, no, you don't, because I still have homework! Goodbye!

Money: $34
Followers: 7 (Welcome Jeff!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

With A Little Help From My Friends

I think this is the latest I've decided to blog, at least on a school night. I finished all my homework earlier and started homework that was due Tuesday, so I'm content with what I did. I am currently on my mother's computer again, hopefully for the last time, because the laptop cord is expected to come in tomorrow. Finally! Now, I must tell you about my day, forgetting yesterday entirely.

School happened as usual until, Math class. Oh, boy. Our teacher gives us a 5-minute warm-up sheet, usually consisting of 4 to 9 math problems about things we learned a year or two ago and completely forgot. I have a horrible feeling I am going to fail this class, just because she either doesn't give me enough time to finish all the problems or she gives me to much problems. Either way, I think, with all things considered, that my teacher does not deserve the honor of being respected. Don't think I'm being harsh, because if you had to take her math class, I bet you would also despise her as much as I do. Well, enough angry ranting. There is much happiness to come!

Almost before school ends, I'm packing up all my things to head home. With my backpack on the disgustingly dirty floor, I am shoving things I need for tonight for homework and such. I zip up my backpack and swing my head and body up into the air and into full standing position. I, in fact, never got that far. About half way up, I slam my head into my neighbor's open locker door. Ouch. I bet I'm not the only one who's ever done it, but it hurt. Bad. For the next three minutes, I was half laughing, half holding in my explosive pain.

When school's over, I proudly walk past the bus I usually get on after school like the home-life person I am, because, yes, I am actually doing something after school. Wynne, my friend I mentioned before, and I walk down to the library, not far from our school. While walking, some girl in a car passing us screams something that later sounded like "Save the whales!" or something strange. As the mature person I am, I yell back, "Kill me!", without really thinking. Wynne and I laugh some more. We hang out at the library for like twenty minutes, doing homework and stuff, and then walk back to school to meet with one of our friends. Blonde, and with a perky attitude, walks out Gabby, friends of both Wynne and I. We take another walk to Gabby's house, drop off our backpacks, I eat some crackers and drink some water, and then we cross the street again and go to the corn maze, which must be very new. We each give the guys a fiver, and run in with wild abandon. I race ahead, and drop my money in the process. Picking it up, Gabby runs past me, says "Fail!" and speeds past a turn. Later, I catch up, we all decide not to run anymore, and start splitting up and trying to find a route out. At one point, we lose Wynne and don't find him until near the end. The maze kept reminding me of Goblet of Fire. Ahhh.

After what seems like an hour, we find the exit. It only took us 30 minutes. Too easy, guys. 6 hick-looking farmer type boys and a shirtless dude all sitting up on the Farm Truck ask us questions like "How was it?", "To easy?" and "Want to go grab an apple?" We all snag a bright, red apple, which had that country farm charm and tasted like no apple before. We realize we have an hour until my mom picks us up, so we head back to Gabby's house to chill.

After a while of watching Gabby do homework, eat crackers and drink some more water, and looking at Wynne texting on his brand-spanking-new phone, we all get to talking about the weirdest things such as The Wizard of Oz, short and long relationships, what exactly an eating disorder is, just being silly like the friends we are, and commenting how weird we all are, etc. The whole afternoon was pretty exciting and I still can't get over how good the apple was. I want another now. It feels like Gabby and I are much better friends now that we've hung out more, and Wynne and I seem to have become best friends. It's weird how life's like that. It's also nice, though.

Oh, and Wynne might be on to me about his Surprise Letters. I let something slip about a "surprise on my blog" or something, so he might've seen it. I'm not sure at the moment. Well, it's getting late, and I'm going to go look for an apple! Bye!

Money: $37
Followers: 6