Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Reading < Watching Doctor Who

Lip-syncing "Baby Got Back" and dancing passionately around the room while you are trying to write in this online public journal is not advisable. One would become... distracted. It's also not very good to have that song on when you are trying to concentrate on what you were going to write about. The song ends, and with that, a blog begins. This blog comes to you in 3 parts.

Part 1: The Dream
Last night I had another peculiar dream, although it did not involve any chocolate this time. It was apparently a nightmare. About school. Yes, school. It's barely August and I'm already having nightmares about school. That's-- that's not good. Well, the dream had nothing to do with the first day or week or anything. The dream was about the end of the year. I'm guessing it was the end of this coming year, because what happened, never happened before. I had just gotten my last middle school report card. Usually, I get all A's or on some occasions, I would get a B or two. But, when I opened this report card, big, ugly C's were all over it. I had more C's than anything else. For some reason, the dream seemed very real and made me cringe in my sleep. If that ever happens in real life, I will know, I have finally cracked.

Part 2: The Doctor
Today, and every other day, I have been trying to watch every episode of the 2005 series of Doctor Who. Only just 30 minutes ago, I finished watching "The Satan Pit" and intend to finish the rest of Series 2 on Monday. There are only four episodes left of Series 2, so I thought I might as well finish it. I am very proud to say, that this is almost my favorite TV show... ever. Besides Scrubs, of course. But, seriously. Doctor Who seems to have been made for me. Every single episode is done and carried out brilliantly. My favorite episode so far, would have to be "The Unquiet Dead" or, of course, "Tooth and Claw". The first because it features none other than Charles Dickens and the plot was simply brilliant. Not ghosts, not really. But people who's bodies were destroyed in the Time War and go through the rift of space time to posses living people. I'm not entirely sure on everything though; I'm no expert. And, "Tooth and Claw" because it has a werewolf trying to kill the Queen, and the Queen kills someone with her little pistol. "I believe the proper form of address, is YOUR MAJESTY!" BAM. If you have NO idea what I'm going on about, I suggest you start here. It's just... brilliant.

Part 3: The City... of Ember
I have decided to re-read City of Ember, (I think I already told you this, oh well) for Summer Reading. So far, I am on page 54 out of 270. Ughh. I am sorry, but, I just can't get into this one. I think the only reason I was able to finish it the first time was because I was so determined to finish it, I didn't really think about how boring (Not sure if that's the best word to use,) it is. I mean, it's not a bad book to be assigned for school. But, I doubt I'll ever re-read it just for fun. Whenever it describes Doon, I picture some guy with HUGE eyebrows and trying to look tough but failing, badly. He is supposed to be a likeable character but... I just can't. I'd much rather be reading something else. I'm sorry, Jeanne DuPrau. I think we both know I'm speaking the truth.

Well, that's all I can think of for today. I have to go to my computer-less Dad's house for the weekend, so I will not be able to update until Monday. I see John Green has a new video, so I'm going to go watch that, and you should too! DFTBA.

Money: Still 210 -.-
Followers: Still 3 -.-

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dead Babies and Eating Bread While Sleeping.

Rushing to write a really good blog is almost impossible. I have at least thirty minutes until my dad picks me up, and since I haven't blogged since Saturday, I thought I could squeeze one in.

Today, (Forget Sunday through Tuesday,) I went to the beach for probably the first time this Summer. It was cloudy and my mom and brother kept on complaining it was "to cold and windy." I for one, was in the freezing water and I was quite comfortable. I met these two kids, Lucas and Nate and we talked a bit and got hurt when big-momma waves came through. After what feels like 30 minutes but is actually two and a half hours, I see my mom waving to come in. Grudgingly, I wade in. We all get changed and drive to the luxurious and graceful Foxwoods Resort and Casino to go see that gross but interesting Bodies Revealed Exhibit. When are you supposed to know when to make a new paragraph?

I had the feeling of being nervous mixed with excitement while walking into the exhibit. There were a couple of really cool things like half a brain and spinal cords and so and so. Then we saw the bodies. They were Asian. They were ALL Asian. I thought that was slightly odd. There was also dead babies and it showed them in different developing stages. They were all REAL too. But all and all, It was really interesting. I'd recommend it to anybody. Although, only because we got in free because my grandma had Reward Points from going to Foxwoods so much. It was, in my opinion, definitely over-priced. 20 dollars for about 30 minutes of seeing people sliced in half and with no skin. So if you're under twelve-years-old, go for it. If not, think about it a little first.

After that, my mom, brother, my grandma and her friend, all sat down in front of Ben and Jerry's and got some ice cream. Well, we got some ice cream, THEN we sat down. We had a lot of different conversations, some completely hilarious. "See, I would wake up in the morning and the peanut butter would be out on the table. Then, I would check the cabinet and we would have NO BREAD. I would eat an entire loaf of bread WITH peanut butter in one night, while sleeping." said my grandma with immense detail. I could not hold back my laughter. A while after that, my grandma takes out two twenty bills and hands one to my brother and I. The conversation after is as follows:

Ben: "What's this for?"
Grandma: "Just in case."
Zack: "In case of what?"
G: "Well, what are you doing tomorrow?"
B: " Uh. Nothing?"
G: "Well, what about tonight?"
Z: "Going to our Dad's then probably doing nothing."
Mom: "Let's just say it's for report cards. Ben got maximum honors, did you know?"
(See how I slipped in how smart I am?" xD)

Alright guys, I'll see you next time!

Money: 210 (How did I get so much!?)
Followers: 2

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doctor Who and "The Shag"

"How did he escape?"
"Well, that's the question isn't it? He's the first ones who's done it!"

As the keys on my keyboard click away, the sound of Prisoner of Azkaban on ABC Family, (Most likely Harry Potter Weekend, my favorite weekends,) I crash on to my bed in hopes of getting a bit of down time and watch one of my favorite HP movies. Alas, it's been too long since my last update. So, I thought, if you wanted an update, or if you didn't, you'd get one anyways.

The day starts at 9:30 AM. "Get up, it's 9:30." Grudgingly, I slump off to the kitchen and pour a bowl of R-Double E-S-E-S REESE'S PUFF REESE'S PUFF. PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE FLAVOR! Around 15 minutes later, I am mowing my mom's boyfriend surprisingly huge lawn, with the lawnmower sputtering like something is wrong with it. Of course, something is. I get the lawn done to my own amazement and it doesn't look that bad. After that green mess of chopped grass, I was whisked away to the tire place to get a nail pulled out from my mother's car's tire. Crossing the street full of traffic, we pass over to Staples and Ocean State. I buy a "groovy" backpack and a fine-point Sharpie. I know what you're thinking. "Why are you writing about this? You think we actually want to hear about this?" No, I don't. This is all I've got.

After two hours of my new obsession, Doctor Who, my cousin, Brian, comes over to play video games with my brother, Zach, all day. And then, I get a phone call. "Sure, Austen, you can come over."After three games of pool, losing only two dollars in a bet, we have pizza with hot sauce. I turn on my living-room TV and see that we have the BBC channel. DOCTOR WHO TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:00!!!

After around 10 holes of mini-golf with my brother, cousin, and Austen, we come across a hole with some lime-green-golf-grass-thing. "Watch out for the shag!", Austen suggests enthusiastically. "The shag? Since when is that called the shag?", my brother says know-it-all-like. "Do you know what shag meant in the 60's?" I laugh. Too much Austen Powers.

I lost. Austen won, and my brother and Brian tied for second. "Shove off, Malfoy." Ron interjects. While I try to ignore Dumbledore's speech about the Dementors, I try and concentrate on why I thought this would be a good blog. Any Doctor Who fans out there? I'm only on Episode 4: Aliens of London. Hope to finish Season 1 before school starts. For Summer Reading, I decided to read City of Ember and Frankenstein. Gosh, I hate commercials. Buckbeak is coming up.

Bye guys, I'll see you soon.
Money from mowing lawns and such: $135
Followers: 1

P.S I'm doing spell-check and for Malfoy it suggested: Malory. LOL

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bill Cosby's Airplane

Yesterday, I went to a small airport, usually not for regular travelers. My dad knows someone who let us go into the traffic tower. We got to see jets fly off with the after-burners on, so there was FIIIRE. I was also fascinated by the mini-kitchen they had and the big blinds they could pull down. There were HUGE spiders near the windows. Seriously, they were like bite-peter-parker big. My dad's friend told us, "See that plane over there? That's Bill Cosby's plane." I whip around and grab a pair of binoculars. Sure enough, there is a plane with a white top, brown bottom, and the word "Billy" on the back wing. I think "This is so cool." while my dad and brother think, "Okay. When do we get to see more planes go up up?"

My overachiever mother went shopping last night and got my school supplies! I was so excited because if there is anything more I hate then Summer Reading, it's buying school supplies. "Okay, red two-inch binder with a science sticker on the upper-right hand corner in Georgia font, size 23." Of course, I am overexaggerating, but it is somewhat like that. You may be asking, "Ben, why do you hate Summer Reading when you lovvve to read?" Good question, blog reader! I hate it because you CAN'T choose any book you WANT to read, you read books you HAVE to read. This causes it to be a chore and so much more like boring, old school, minus the friends. And it's not like they choose any good books either. I haven't' even started Summer Reading yet. Note to self: Get on that. I can't believe I'm writing about this and Billy Cosby's Plane, there was just nothing else to talk about. Unless, you want to hear about my Sims. No? WELL TO BAD.

Today, on Sims 2: Life Stories Free Play Mode, I busted out the cheat codes. There was one that I used more than any other. "Kill Sim..." with choices like "Fire", "Drown", "Disease", etc. I had this big mansion house and a fenced-in front lawn. Seeing that I could kill people at will, I made my family have around a new family member every second. See, I could make neighbors part of my family. So, after about an hour, my front yard was filled with gravestones. I renamed the lot from "Mansion 1" to "Cemetery of the Newspaper Boys" At night, the ghosts of small children and old men and the newspaper kids rise to life and attack passing strangers. Wow.

I think I should stop typing soon before any of my 2, (3?), blog readers die of boredom and Sims envy. I shall leave you with a funny joke I heard this morning:

Micky Mouse is in Divorce Court, and the Judge says,
"So, you wanna divorce your wife because she's crazy?"
And Micky says,
"Uhm, no, I think what you heard me say was is that she's f*cking Goofy!"

P.S This is almost exactly what the plane looked like, but it said "Billy", not "Camille"

P.S.S I will make a Sim out of anyone who comments. Anyone!?!?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dreams Involing Cursed Chocolate.

Monday night, I had the strangest dream I ever remember having. A bunch of random things happen at the begining but I only remember the strangest things.

It starts here. My friend, Jeremy and I are walking in our school gym. We walk over to this stand at a, book fair, maybe? This weird-looking old man has a whole assortment of things involving CHOCOLATE. Jeremy and I look at each other and each take out a dollar. The chocolate bar is $4.00. I get all angry, but then the man walks away with someone who was yelling at him. Jeremy snatches the chocolate bar and, says, like he saw it was going to happen, "See? Now, we have all our money and chocolate!" He peels off the wrapping paper and breaks a chunk off of the bar. Right then, a vibration or wave of energy radiates off of the bar and through the gym.

People stop what they're doing and turn to us, looking very angry. Jeremy shoves the piece in my hand and he runs out the door. I chase after him, knowing something is going on. All of a sudden, we're running down a country road, no where near our gym. I turn back and see something very strange. It was half girl, half wolf. She was very attractive but also very terrifying. It was slightly funny. I throw the chunk of chocolate into a bush and she dives in after it. Jeremy and I stop, tired. She sniffs what looks like dog poop, thinking it's chocolate. I forgot what happened after that, but, just wait there's more.

All of a sudden, we're in front of what looks like a waterfall. The old man is back, but now he looks Amish. The werewolfgirl is back but she's normal and even more beautiful (haha).T.o.m. (The Old Man), puts a small pinecone in an even smaller bottle. And then he says, "Once you get the pinecone out of this bottle, you may leave here." He passes it to me. I stick my fingers in it and pull it out. And then, Jeremy and I are in our friend Gavin's backyard, on the deck of his pool. Jeremy jumps over the edge and seems to have grown very tall since he is touching the ground but still higher then me on the deck. I look over and Gavin is laughing. Jeremy is standing on a very tall pole. He jumps off, hits the ground, and an explosion occurs. Then I woke up.

This is the time where I stop typing, back away from the computer, and hope this wasn't to strange and mental.

It was.

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Blog Post and Half-Blood Prince

"I want to get back into writing," I tell my friend, Gabby, through texts."I just don't know what to write about. Maybe I could make a blog?" "Well, I would read it." Gabby messages me. Although I am slightly doubtful, I text back "All right, I'll give it a shot, but, I'm not promising anything." That was basically the conversation, although happening around 10:30 last night, some details could be different.
And with that, a blog was born.
Seeing as I did NOTHING today but play Sims 2: Life Stories and mow the lawn, OH, and watch Back To The Future Part 2, I'll recount what happened around midnight on July 14, 2009. That's right. The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Premiere. These are some of the highlights and thoughts of mine:
-My mother, my brother, and my friends; Cam and Wynne and I, all pull into a huge movie theater in the town closest to ours, and see a long line wrapped around the building. We start talking nervously if we will get good seats or if there won't be enough theaters. We walk in, seeing some people dressed up, although none to impressively. I keep telling Cam and Wynne, "I am waiting for a giant Hagrid or something to walk up, and I swear, I will go and take pictures with him."
-We get there an hour early, already having bought our tickets online. People begin counting down the minutes until midnight shouting every now and then how much time left, which made many people cheer, Cam, Wynne and I among them. Oops, my dog needs to go outside, one second-- Alright, sorry. Finally the movie starts.
Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen it, don't read further.
-Right when the movie ends, I almost stand up and scream "WHERE'S HIS FUNERAL!?!?!?!?" Alright, I didn't do that, but I sure as Hell thought it. But, seriously, David Yates. Come On.
Tonks and Lupin was barely explained, Bill and Fleur are no where to be found, so they will have to work around the wedding in the next one, confusing fans. There was NO BATTLE at the end just kind of a "Avada Kedavra! *dead* RUN!!!" type of thing. I was very angered at a lot of things, but I still had a great time. Leaving out some of the Riddle Memories? Explaining the Horcruxes in about under 3 minutes? People who haven't read the book was probably like, "So, wait. What are whorecruxes?"
-Pros: Luna and Draco were awesome. Harry on Felix Felicis was GENIUS. A few of my favorite lines:
"Harry! Sir!"
"Being me has its privileges."
"I have a feeling Hagrid's Hut is the place to be tonight"
And many, many more.
-I had so much more to say on the subject, but it is almost a week since I've seen it. Just go see it, and then pretend I wrote many of the things you thought. :) I WANT THE DVD.
Well, Gabby, What do you think? Am I a bad blogger or what?
See you next time!
Man, that sucked.
P.S I Read Prisoner of Azkaban again in only THREE DAYS. Oh, and I would totally find this funny.