Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bill Cosby's Airplane

Yesterday, I went to a small airport, usually not for regular travelers. My dad knows someone who let us go into the traffic tower. We got to see jets fly off with the after-burners on, so there was FIIIRE. I was also fascinated by the mini-kitchen they had and the big blinds they could pull down. There were HUGE spiders near the windows. Seriously, they were like bite-peter-parker big. My dad's friend told us, "See that plane over there? That's Bill Cosby's plane." I whip around and grab a pair of binoculars. Sure enough, there is a plane with a white top, brown bottom, and the word "Billy" on the back wing. I think "This is so cool." while my dad and brother think, "Okay. When do we get to see more planes go up up?"

My overachiever mother went shopping last night and got my school supplies! I was so excited because if there is anything more I hate then Summer Reading, it's buying school supplies. "Okay, red two-inch binder with a science sticker on the upper-right hand corner in Georgia font, size 23." Of course, I am overexaggerating, but it is somewhat like that. You may be asking, "Ben, why do you hate Summer Reading when you lovvve to read?" Good question, blog reader! I hate it because you CAN'T choose any book you WANT to read, you read books you HAVE to read. This causes it to be a chore and so much more like boring, old school, minus the friends. And it's not like they choose any good books either. I haven't' even started Summer Reading yet. Note to self: Get on that. I can't believe I'm writing about this and Billy Cosby's Plane, there was just nothing else to talk about. Unless, you want to hear about my Sims. No? WELL TO BAD.

Today, on Sims 2: Life Stories Free Play Mode, I busted out the cheat codes. There was one that I used more than any other. "Kill Sim..." with choices like "Fire", "Drown", "Disease", etc. I had this big mansion house and a fenced-in front lawn. Seeing that I could kill people at will, I made my family have around a new family member every second. See, I could make neighbors part of my family. So, after about an hour, my front yard was filled with gravestones. I renamed the lot from "Mansion 1" to "Cemetery of the Newspaper Boys" At night, the ghosts of small children and old men and the newspaper kids rise to life and attack passing strangers. Wow.

I think I should stop typing soon before any of my 2, (3?), blog readers die of boredom and Sims envy. I shall leave you with a funny joke I heard this morning:

Micky Mouse is in Divorce Court, and the Judge says,
"So, you wanna divorce your wife because she's crazy?"
And Micky says,
"Uhm, no, I think what you heard me say was is that she's f*cking Goofy!"

P.S This is almost exactly what the plane looked like, but it said "Billy", not "Camille"

P.S.S I will make a Sim out of anyone who comments. Anyone!?!?


  1. I don't know if someone answered your question about how to link but... type the words you want to be the link, highlight the text, click the insert link thingy (it kind of looks like a frog) and a window will pop up for you to place the address you wish to link to. You should be able to check if it works before you publish. Good luck!

  2. i commented! (its kayleen. i was bored. lol but i like ur blog) if you make me a sim, plz DO NOT give me kim hair! lmao

  3. benn.. i did not know you blogged.
