Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doctor Who and "The Shag"

"How did he escape?"
"Well, that's the question isn't it? He's the first ones who's done it!"

As the keys on my keyboard click away, the sound of Prisoner of Azkaban on ABC Family, (Most likely Harry Potter Weekend, my favorite weekends,) I crash on to my bed in hopes of getting a bit of down time and watch one of my favorite HP movies. Alas, it's been too long since my last update. So, I thought, if you wanted an update, or if you didn't, you'd get one anyways.

The day starts at 9:30 AM. "Get up, it's 9:30." Grudgingly, I slump off to the kitchen and pour a bowl of R-Double E-S-E-S REESE'S PUFF REESE'S PUFF. PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE FLAVOR! Around 15 minutes later, I am mowing my mom's boyfriend surprisingly huge lawn, with the lawnmower sputtering like something is wrong with it. Of course, something is. I get the lawn done to my own amazement and it doesn't look that bad. After that green mess of chopped grass, I was whisked away to the tire place to get a nail pulled out from my mother's car's tire. Crossing the street full of traffic, we pass over to Staples and Ocean State. I buy a "groovy" backpack and a fine-point Sharpie. I know what you're thinking. "Why are you writing about this? You think we actually want to hear about this?" No, I don't. This is all I've got.

After two hours of my new obsession, Doctor Who, my cousin, Brian, comes over to play video games with my brother, Zach, all day. And then, I get a phone call. "Sure, Austen, you can come over."After three games of pool, losing only two dollars in a bet, we have pizza with hot sauce. I turn on my living-room TV and see that we have the BBC channel. DOCTOR WHO TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:00!!!

After around 10 holes of mini-golf with my brother, cousin, and Austen, we come across a hole with some lime-green-golf-grass-thing. "Watch out for the shag!", Austen suggests enthusiastically. "The shag? Since when is that called the shag?", my brother says know-it-all-like. "Do you know what shag meant in the 60's?" I laugh. Too much Austen Powers.

I lost. Austen won, and my brother and Brian tied for second. "Shove off, Malfoy." Ron interjects. While I try to ignore Dumbledore's speech about the Dementors, I try and concentrate on why I thought this would be a good blog. Any Doctor Who fans out there? I'm only on Episode 4: Aliens of London. Hope to finish Season 1 before school starts. For Summer Reading, I decided to read City of Ember and Frankenstein. Gosh, I hate commercials. Buckbeak is coming up.

Bye guys, I'll see you soon.
Money from mowing lawns and such: $135
Followers: 1

P.S I'm doing spell-check and for Malfoy it suggested: Malory. LOL

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