Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dead Babies and Eating Bread While Sleeping.

Rushing to write a really good blog is almost impossible. I have at least thirty minutes until my dad picks me up, and since I haven't blogged since Saturday, I thought I could squeeze one in.

Today, (Forget Sunday through Tuesday,) I went to the beach for probably the first time this Summer. It was cloudy and my mom and brother kept on complaining it was "to cold and windy." I for one, was in the freezing water and I was quite comfortable. I met these two kids, Lucas and Nate and we talked a bit and got hurt when big-momma waves came through. After what feels like 30 minutes but is actually two and a half hours, I see my mom waving to come in. Grudgingly, I wade in. We all get changed and drive to the luxurious and graceful Foxwoods Resort and Casino to go see that gross but interesting Bodies Revealed Exhibit. When are you supposed to know when to make a new paragraph?

I had the feeling of being nervous mixed with excitement while walking into the exhibit. There were a couple of really cool things like half a brain and spinal cords and so and so. Then we saw the bodies. They were Asian. They were ALL Asian. I thought that was slightly odd. There was also dead babies and it showed them in different developing stages. They were all REAL too. But all and all, It was really interesting. I'd recommend it to anybody. Although, only because we got in free because my grandma had Reward Points from going to Foxwoods so much. It was, in my opinion, definitely over-priced. 20 dollars for about 30 minutes of seeing people sliced in half and with no skin. So if you're under twelve-years-old, go for it. If not, think about it a little first.

After that, my mom, brother, my grandma and her friend, all sat down in front of Ben and Jerry's and got some ice cream. Well, we got some ice cream, THEN we sat down. We had a lot of different conversations, some completely hilarious. "See, I would wake up in the morning and the peanut butter would be out on the table. Then, I would check the cabinet and we would have NO BREAD. I would eat an entire loaf of bread WITH peanut butter in one night, while sleeping." said my grandma with immense detail. I could not hold back my laughter. A while after that, my grandma takes out two twenty bills and hands one to my brother and I. The conversation after is as follows:

Ben: "What's this for?"
Grandma: "Just in case."
Zack: "In case of what?"
G: "Well, what are you doing tomorrow?"
B: " Uh. Nothing?"
G: "Well, what about tonight?"
Z: "Going to our Dad's then probably doing nothing."
Mom: "Let's just say it's for report cards. Ben got maximum honors, did you know?"
(See how I slipped in how smart I am?" xD)

Alright guys, I'll see you next time!

Money: 210 (How did I get so much!?)
Followers: 2


  1. Hey, I saw you commented on one of my posts. I'm sorry that I didn't see it until this morning. My internet has been out most of the week. So I see you got the whole linking thing working?

  2. why do u only have 3 followers??? your blog is amazazing! come on, people!
