Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Blog Post and Half-Blood Prince

"I want to get back into writing," I tell my friend, Gabby, through texts."I just don't know what to write about. Maybe I could make a blog?" "Well, I would read it." Gabby messages me. Although I am slightly doubtful, I text back "All right, I'll give it a shot, but, I'm not promising anything." That was basically the conversation, although happening around 10:30 last night, some details could be different.
And with that, a blog was born.
Seeing as I did NOTHING today but play Sims 2: Life Stories and mow the lawn, OH, and watch Back To The Future Part 2, I'll recount what happened around midnight on July 14, 2009. That's right. The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Premiere. These are some of the highlights and thoughts of mine:
-My mother, my brother, and my friends; Cam and Wynne and I, all pull into a huge movie theater in the town closest to ours, and see a long line wrapped around the building. We start talking nervously if we will get good seats or if there won't be enough theaters. We walk in, seeing some people dressed up, although none to impressively. I keep telling Cam and Wynne, "I am waiting for a giant Hagrid or something to walk up, and I swear, I will go and take pictures with him."
-We get there an hour early, already having bought our tickets online. People begin counting down the minutes until midnight shouting every now and then how much time left, which made many people cheer, Cam, Wynne and I among them. Oops, my dog needs to go outside, one second-- Alright, sorry. Finally the movie starts.
Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen it, don't read further.
-Right when the movie ends, I almost stand up and scream "WHERE'S HIS FUNERAL!?!?!?!?" Alright, I didn't do that, but I sure as Hell thought it. But, seriously, David Yates. Come On.
Tonks and Lupin was barely explained, Bill and Fleur are no where to be found, so they will have to work around the wedding in the next one, confusing fans. There was NO BATTLE at the end just kind of a "Avada Kedavra! *dead* RUN!!!" type of thing. I was very angered at a lot of things, but I still had a great time. Leaving out some of the Riddle Memories? Explaining the Horcruxes in about under 3 minutes? People who haven't read the book was probably like, "So, wait. What are whorecruxes?"
-Pros: Luna and Draco were awesome. Harry on Felix Felicis was GENIUS. A few of my favorite lines:
"Harry! Sir!"
"Being me has its privileges."
"I have a feeling Hagrid's Hut is the place to be tonight"
And many, many more.
-I had so much more to say on the subject, but it is almost a week since I've seen it. Just go see it, and then pretend I wrote many of the things you thought. :) I WANT THE DVD.
Well, Gabby, What do you think? Am I a bad blogger or what?
See you next time!
Man, that sucked.
P.S I Read Prisoner of Azkaban again in only THREE DAYS. Oh, and I would totally find this funny.

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