Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Reading < Watching Doctor Who

Lip-syncing "Baby Got Back" and dancing passionately around the room while you are trying to write in this online public journal is not advisable. One would become... distracted. It's also not very good to have that song on when you are trying to concentrate on what you were going to write about. The song ends, and with that, a blog begins. This blog comes to you in 3 parts.

Part 1: The Dream
Last night I had another peculiar dream, although it did not involve any chocolate this time. It was apparently a nightmare. About school. Yes, school. It's barely August and I'm already having nightmares about school. That's-- that's not good. Well, the dream had nothing to do with the first day or week or anything. The dream was about the end of the year. I'm guessing it was the end of this coming year, because what happened, never happened before. I had just gotten my last middle school report card. Usually, I get all A's or on some occasions, I would get a B or two. But, when I opened this report card, big, ugly C's were all over it. I had more C's than anything else. For some reason, the dream seemed very real and made me cringe in my sleep. If that ever happens in real life, I will know, I have finally cracked.

Part 2: The Doctor
Today, and every other day, I have been trying to watch every episode of the 2005 series of Doctor Who. Only just 30 minutes ago, I finished watching "The Satan Pit" and intend to finish the rest of Series 2 on Monday. There are only four episodes left of Series 2, so I thought I might as well finish it. I am very proud to say, that this is almost my favorite TV show... ever. Besides Scrubs, of course. But, seriously. Doctor Who seems to have been made for me. Every single episode is done and carried out brilliantly. My favorite episode so far, would have to be "The Unquiet Dead" or, of course, "Tooth and Claw". The first because it features none other than Charles Dickens and the plot was simply brilliant. Not ghosts, not really. But people who's bodies were destroyed in the Time War and go through the rift of space time to posses living people. I'm not entirely sure on everything though; I'm no expert. And, "Tooth and Claw" because it has a werewolf trying to kill the Queen, and the Queen kills someone with her little pistol. "I believe the proper form of address, is YOUR MAJESTY!" BAM. If you have NO idea what I'm going on about, I suggest you start here. It's just... brilliant.

Part 3: The City... of Ember
I have decided to re-read City of Ember, (I think I already told you this, oh well) for Summer Reading. So far, I am on page 54 out of 270. Ughh. I am sorry, but, I just can't get into this one. I think the only reason I was able to finish it the first time was because I was so determined to finish it, I didn't really think about how boring (Not sure if that's the best word to use,) it is. I mean, it's not a bad book to be assigned for school. But, I doubt I'll ever re-read it just for fun. Whenever it describes Doon, I picture some guy with HUGE eyebrows and trying to look tough but failing, badly. He is supposed to be a likeable character but... I just can't. I'd much rather be reading something else. I'm sorry, Jeanne DuPrau. I think we both know I'm speaking the truth.

Well, that's all I can think of for today. I have to go to my computer-less Dad's house for the weekend, so I will not be able to update until Monday. I see John Green has a new video, so I'm going to go watch that, and you should too! DFTBA.

Money: Still 210 -.-
Followers: Still 3 -.-

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