Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blogging in the Moonlight (Too effing Long!)

Okay, okay, okay, and okay. I have so much I could write about. But, I don't want to write about everything. If I did, It would take a very, very long time to read it and I don't want to burden you in that way. It's a Thursday night, having just finished watching Chamber of Secrets to make it really feel like I was finally home and accessible to DVDs. It's been almost a week since you last heard from me. So, having finished my movie, exited out of The Leaky Cauldron, turned down the volume on my TV, gritted my teeth, I began to type what was probably going to be my longest blog post you will ever read. So, grab a drink and let's get started.

Friday to Sunday:
Friday night, I went to this town fair like an hour away from my dad's house. I entered a free bike raffle, lost, ate a dinner of greasy, but traditional to fairs, chicken nuggets with fries and not enough ketchup. We then went to go watch tractors pull thousand-pound blocks of cement. After two of these attempts, it became boring. We left about two hours after. Moving on to Saturday, I went to my dad's girlfriend's house for a Family Reunion with their family, not mine. Knowing no one, it resulted in me eating to much food then should have been eaten and shooting arrows at empty Tide bottles with Sharpie-drawn faces of people such as Hitler and Mini-Me being the evil terrorists and Harry Potter and Miley Cyrus as the hostages. Miley was shootable. After, we went to another party with more people I don't know. That was no problem for me apparently. I was making friends with the younger and maybe older kids in the pool. Being silly and claiming, "I will bite your ankles!", before lunging underwater in the direction of some kids made me a need-to-meet type of person. I felt accepted. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! I went to that Hunter's Education class, that was from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. It was boring and full of information I already knew. I passed the test with a 98, getting one question wrong. Of course. We then race home, throw all the camping things in the trunk, and drive the two hour drive to the camp.
We begin setup, swatting mosquitoes every second. 10 minutes and 30 mosquito bites later, we're finished. We go to the 24-hour Walmart at like 11:30 at night to get things we needed, such as bug spray. After, we go to the beach. At night. I run on the sand, flip-flops thrown to the side, shunned away. This is what summer is supposed to feel like. It felt like I was doing something right. We then go back to Walmart again, to get a air-mattress pump. Tired and worn, we retire to our tents, defeated.

We have a breakfast of calorie-packed muffins. Dad and Zach ride down to the lake beach on unicycles, (yes, we are a weird family), while I walk, having not become that good at unicycling yet. The water is always yellow from underwater. My dad used to say that a giant peed in one of it's footsteps. That would always make me laugh. After, we shower in the public showers. Mine has brown smudges on the floor that I hope isn't what I think it is. Then, my grandma's sister calls us. "Want to come to the pool?" We go to the almost-deserted pool at my aunt's mobile-home-campground-place. We then go have Dinner at her daughter's trailer. We call her Punk, but, to my embarrassment, I don't know what her real name is. We have steak with potato salad and regular salad and bread and it was DELICIOUS. We go home, and go to bed.

Tuesday: We get up at 8:30, having set the alarm on my phone. We have breakfast and things and go to the state beach. It felt good to splash into the cold, cold water under the sun and it's 90 degree weather and such. I attempted at a sand castle and failed. My dad's girlfriend and two of her four kids, Nick and Jake, come about an hour later than when they said they'd come. We do the usual things you do at the beach; hang out in the water, play in the sand, get crushed by waves, tan, sleep, and drink water. And, as a teenage boy, although being geeky and such, couldn't help but look at some of the girls that walked past. Wow. Maybe that's why so many people go to the beach. After, we go to 99 to have dinner which was good. After, after we go to this movie at a wildlife visitor center that is nearby. The video was supposed to be Shark Tale but then turned into a wildlife educational video. It was so stupid and bad, it was hilarious. My dad and I laughed so much we had to leave the room. We left before it was over.

Wednesday: (Trying to finish a little faster.) We go to the laundry mat with all our dirty clothes. While waiting, my brother and I go bowling at this very Friday-night-flair type of place with big couches and a big screen playing tween music videos. I bowled a 320 out of three games, kind of impressing myself. My brother having done really bad, my confidence boosted that day. Later, we went to this diner called Nonnie's for dinner. It had a 50's vibe, playing an old TV show called "Taxi" with Danny DeVito in it. I had *Brinner, a stack of three chocolate-chip pancakes with a side of toast. I LOVE Brinner. At our last night, we had a fire, my phone died, and we went to bed for the last time in tents.

Today: (Finally) We packed up, left the campsite which could be the last time ever, and I tried to read Frankenstein, reading Harry, A History, much more. I throw all my clothes in the washer upon returning home, open my laptop and read all the blog posts I missed. I did other things today, but I am to tired and you are to bored for me to write anymore. I'll probably update on what I'm doing next tomorrow, so stay tuned! Ben, finally, out!

Money: 250 (A hundred and 30 dollars were given to me from my parents for NC.)
Followers: 4 (I <3 you.)


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