Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who the eff is Ben? And why does he have a Wish List?

Today, I thought I'd like to explain myself a little on who in the H-e-double-tooth-picks I really am. As my blog readers, you guys deserve to know who really writes this. Well, it's a thirteen-year-old kid named Benjamin James. Some call him Ben. Or Benster.

He has no last name for safety reasons. He is a white Caucasian kid who doesn't know how tall he is, and has no way in finding out at the moment. He is very "nerdy". He enjoys to read, write, draw, listen to music, and whatever else thirteen-year-old boys do. He has a wide variety of friends and, well, books. He owns a typewriter, a Half-Blood Prince poster of Dumbledore, and the three Deluxe Editions of the Harry Potter series that are available. Ben has one brother and two parents who are divorced. While he is typing this very sentence, he is rushing desperately to think of something else about himself. Oh, yeah! HE IS A NERDFIGHTER. He loves Doctor Who, Harry Potter, The Catcher in the Rye, you, his blog readers, which means you and you and you and you. Yes. He loves blog commenters even MORE. They bring joy to his days as a convict. No, he is not a prisoner. He is also a weird, thinks-he's-funny kind of person.

Today, I woke up today with the motivation to do something today. I clean up my surprisingly messy top of the dresser, while slightly watching Something's Gotta Give on TBS, which was a lot funnier than I thought it was. At first, I thought it was When Harry Met Sally, because I've never seen that movie before, and Jack Nicholson was named Harry and his girlfriend at the beginning was named Sally. But, then I saw the title at the end of the commercial. Introducing a new segment, this was Today's Fail.

With the need to do something, I give my friend, Cam, who was mentioned before in this blog, a buzz. I somewhat invite myself over to his house to go swimming, but I just said "Well, you invited me over last Saturday, and since I couldn't come over then, can I come over now?" xD

We circulate inside his above ground pool, looking at clouds and trying to think of what they look like, and talking about school and us going to North Carolina on the 21st and Summer Reading and dreams. It felt really good doing something today, and catching up with a good friend I should hang out with more.

I finished City of Ember. Meh. I don't really want to write about that too much so, moving on. I started Frankenstein and so far all he's talking about is his childhood, so it's kind of boring. I'm only about 40 pages into it though, so it's bound to become more exciting.

Wrapping today's session up, I thought I'd show you my Wish List, which I hope to acquire all the things on this list by sometime in the near future. Thanks for being so tolerant of all this boring stuff, guys, it's really appreciated.

Wish List:
1. The Tales of Beedle The Bard Collector's Edition. CHECK.
2. New Phone.
3. New Web cam.
4. New Laptop.
5. Doctor Who Seasons 1-4.
6. Austin Powers Trilogy.
7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Leather-bound.

Money: 75
Followers: 3

Bye guys, hopefully I'll see you when I get something to write about.

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