Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A week in paradise, going Across The Universe with Austen Powers!

"Dear Prudence, open up your eyes." and Tom Cruise saying "Yeah, baby" hilariously from the beginning of Austin Powers in Goldmember can be heard over the tapping of keys while this blog is being typed. Yes, I know, listening to music, watching Austen Powers, AND writing up a blog that was bound to be one of the longest and most extravagant blogs in the history of the universe, is not a very good idea. Oh my god. "It's Britney Spears!", yells Austen. And thus, a dance off is vital to the opening's success. In one word; Genius. Well, I'm getting carried away.

Emerald Isle, North Carolina was the most fun week I've had all summer, possibly all year. So much happened that is completely impossible to recount EVERYTHING that happened. So, I will recount my favorite, most interesting, and other parts that must be told. To avoid making this really long, we shall journey forth in... NOW!

-I went to Cam's house at around eight 0'clock at night, to be leaving at ten. We had to clean out the fridge, so Cam and I were assigned to drink half a gallon of milk. That was hard, but after I felt very accomplished and somewhat bloated. The car ride was fourteen hours long. No need to say much about that. It was long, and tiring, and I slept about half of it. We drove through a very scary lightening storm and stopped at about three McDonald's along the way. At about ten in the morning, we were two hours away. We stopped at a Waffle House. It was really good, I had two chocolate-chip pancakes and a glass of, *gulp*, milk. Cam's dad said he'd give me 5 dollars if I danced to the jukebox, but I was to tired and not in the mood to oblige.

-Upon getting there, we rush to the beach across the street, because we didn't have the key to the house yet. We flip off our shoes and flip-flops and put our toes in the water. It was the warmest ocean water I have EVER felt. That would be a contributing factor to why I loved the trip so much. Later, Paige, Adam, and their parents and Ryanne show up and then Emily, Greg, Molly, and their parents come with the key. Cam and I get our own room and our own beds and a closet and dresser, while Cam's brother, Nolan, and Greg and Adam took mattresses into the Game Room. With everyone situated and tired, we all went to bed early that night.

-Though out the week I was either in the ocean or in the pool or on the beach or watching Mtv with my peeps or having a meal. You can tell how much freakin' fun I had. My new favorite "make fun of me because I'm so stupid I'm funny" show is Next on Mtv. It's where these 5 people get on a bus, and if the chooser likes them he or she offers them to go on a second date or take the money. Or he can say "Next" if the girl's ugly or something. It's pretty hilarious. We always had really good meals while there, also. Like pancakes, eggs, and cold-cuts and meatball grinders and seafood and steak and cheeseburgers. One night, it was Cam's dads' birthday so we had the most delicious hand-made cake I have ever tasted. I had two pieces on his birthday and two the next day. It was so, so, so, so and so good!!!

-We went mini-golfing twice. I got a hole in one on the second time we went on the first hole while everyone was watching, so my self-confidence sky-rocketed right then. "Who's the man?", I exclaimed, no one answering, most likely out of jealously. I got a 43 the second time, which is really good for me. One night, we went go-karting. There was a bridge that went over part of the track, which was pretty freaky-deaky. I didn't pass anyone, but no one passed me, so I felt pretty darn good! We went out to ice cream about three times, Dairy Queen twice and Ben and Jerry's once. I got the Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard at Dairy Queen, (Oh my god, so tasty!). and a chocolate brownie something shake at Ben and Jerry's. Darn it, now I'm hungry.

-One night, we were going to make fried potatoes, but they got fried too much. They were rock hard and someone decided to throw one. After ten minutes of chucking potatoes at each other, I didn't even get hit. We played hide-and-seek in the huge house we rented and some hid on the roof while other's in closets, under beds, in cabinets, and underwater, (Haha, that was tricky!). One night, after having cake and finding the green pool light, I convinced Nolan to go swimming with me. I jumped in with wild abandon. Just two minutes later, I felt something in my pocket. My cell phone. I flew out of the pool, turned it off to a vibrating blank screen and took out the battery. My dad brought it to his work today and he might be able to fix it. I was going to get a new one soon anyway. So, meh.There was this one time where all the kids were in the Game Room and Paige saw this bug in the bathroom and she thought it was a cockroach. And sure enough, a bug much smaller then expected came scurrying out of the bathroom. Everyone started screaming and getting up on the pool table and chairs and tables. I didn't actually see it at first, so I freaked out also. Looking back, it was pretty hilarious. And, on Friday night, it was thundering and lightening. We were watching that reality TV show called "A Haunting". Someone, I think it was Paige, said, "If I was a ghost, I'd scare the crap out of people." Right then, something scary popped on the screen and the power went out. Everyone one screamed for a second and when the lights came back on I was on the floor having tripped over the table, Adam and Emily and Paige were in the hallway rushing upstairs and Cam, Ryanne, Nolan, and Greg appeared not to know what happened.

-The night before we left, Cam's family and I went to a fast-food place called "Bojangles" for dinner. It's funny because that's what my Grandpa named his dog, (They call him "Bo"). It was really good. I had curly fries and buffalo chicken bites. We then went to a souvenir store where I almost broke something, bought a small, dead shark in a blue glass beaker and a obnoxiously big magnet for my mom.

-The way back was long and long and long and we talked and we slept and we stopped at the Waffle House again for breakfast and-- Wait! I remembered something funny! I had the same thing I did before, (Yum.), and I asked the waitress with a southern accent for a high-five. And she obliged! It was so awesome! When we passed Washington, D.C, I saw the Washington Monument and the Capitol building, which was pretty cool. I got home around midnight, took a shower, and then slept, slept, slept. I feel like my friendships with everyone improved over the week and that I'm really grateful Cam invited me. It was really, really fun. There's not much more to say. OH! Thursday morning, I woke up and watched "Across the Universe" with everyone. It's the one littered with Beatles songs. I loved it, but I didn't like the ending. It just seemed to be missing something. Eh, I don't know.

NOW, YOU MAY LEAVE!!! I bet you've been dieing to hear that since you started. I hoped you enjoyed reading this more than I did writing it. Hands... tired...

Money: $191 (I need a new phone now... Grrr!)
Followers: 5 (You should be one.)

1 comment:

  1. aww i love across the universe! yeah, the ending sucked. but max and jude are gorgeous! lolz u dont have to respond to that one. :) see, i actually am following!
