Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Packing, Camping, and More Packing.

Sorry, for not hearing from me for a whole three days. I again, have no excuse. If you don't hear from me for two or three days, don't freak out. I'm probably doing nothing worth blogging about or I'm way to busy and don't even have the time to think about updating. Which one do you think happened in the past 3 days. I'll leave that up to you to decide. xD

Yesterday night, my brother went golfing with my grandpa from Florida. I get to see him about three or four times a year, so I was kind of sad that he came and left. I showed him my room with two bookcases that me and my mom's boyfriend, Fred, made together. I also showed him the Tales of Beedle the Bard Collector's Edition. But, then, just after that, he left. And, I probably won't see him until Christmas. Sorry, if I'm bringing you down. Oh, yeah! He also handed me a twenty dollar bill, to a look of utter confusion on my face. "Papa, what is this for!?" and he said "Go to a movie or something." He didn't say it in a way like I never get out, which I do sometimes, I swear. He then went on to explain how him and his newly-wed wife, Madi or Maddie, (Yup. My Grandpa's still got it!), went to go see the new G.I Joe movie and how it cost a fortune. Ah, I love my Grandpa. And, old people in general. They tell it how it is!

While they went golfing, my mom and I went mini-golfing, cause we're cool like that. I got a hole in one, in my opinion, on the hardest hole there. I got a 57 and she got a 54. That was probably the best game of mini-golf I've ever played. Without my brother there to make the usual fierce competition of death, it was a lot more easier to play when I knew it would not matter at all if I lost. I usually got a 70-something. We then got not-hot-enough, but not-super-cold pretzels at the stand. Too much salt takes away from the pretzel. Believe me on this one. After, we went to the grocery store and I saw a old lady that looked exactly like an Elder on Sims 2. It was ridiculous how alike they looked. I couldn't hold back my laughter. Sorry, Elder Sim look-alike.
Yesterday, I also watched every single video of Neil Cicierega. He is a genius. If you haven't heard of him, CLICK THE LINK.

Now, on to today. This morning, I had breakfast, took a shower, and packed a bunch of clothes for going camping with my dad on Sunday night. For the weekend, I'm going to my dad's house, where we'll go to some small-ish fair tonight and then I have to take a Hunter Education course on Sunday that my Dad is teaching. Let me go complain to someone for a second. Okay, I'm back. Hunting, to me, is stupid and a waste of time. There are other things to eat, you don't need to eat Deer. They don't even taste good. All right, all right, enough about this "oh, my life is horrible, I never get what I want", crap. Life is good. Remember that.

I'm going camping for four days at this place that my Dad has been going to forever. He said this might be the last year we're going. That's because it almost rains every time we go, and since we're in tents, it's horrible when it rains. Plus, my brother definitely does not want to go anymore. So, this trip feels like the end of an era. After I'm done camping and all, I get home next Thursday morning. On that day, I will catch up on the blogs I'm following, go on facebook, check my email, thoroughly clean my room, wash all my clothes, pack the clothes again, sleep at my mom's for one night, than I have a day to do what I want. On that night, I'll go to my friend, Cam's house to put a suitcase or two into his minivan and we'll be in the car for 9 to 13 hours, (Estimated), driving to North Carolina. There, We'll spend a week in a house right across from the beach. It has a heated pool, hot tub, game room, and tons of bedrooms. It's going to be a great end of the summer. Wait, WHAT!?

School is approaching, like a monster hidden in the shadow, waiting for it's time to strike. It's time is coming. Well, on next Thursday, I promise I'll blog about camping and then tell you guys more about North Carolina. That's enough from me today. Bye, guys see you in almost a week! *cries*

Money: $120 (I don't think my mom cares about me paying her back or not, so yay! :)
Followers: 4 (It's really fun to be a follower, you should try it.)


1 comment:

  1. Your grandpa lives in Florida? I'm just going to take a wild guess and say somewhere on the East Coast. Boca Raton?
