Side effects may include: Pain, loss of loved ones, and a decrease in self-confidence.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The pathetic-ness surges through the veins.

Yes, you probably think I am dead. Well, I'm not. I haven't been very busy either. Which leads you to believe that Ben doesn't want to blog anymore. UNTRUE! I love to blog, but sometimes it just happens when you need a break. You can understand this, right? Well, since it's been so long, I don't think I'm going to tell you everything that happened for the past two weeks. (Where did the days go!?) So, I will give you a quick update, and then I have to leave for my dad's. But, I swear to God, I will blog on Monday, when I have no school. Deal? All, right:

-I have finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and they were both, in a word, brilliant. I recommend them to anyone. Go buy them. And, don't you DARE buy one without the other. Get them both.

-I am currently listening to Christmas music and putting them on my iPod. I know, it's a bit early, but I am SO in the mood for Christmas. You don't even know.

-I have started Twittering again! I figured out how to do it from your phone, so expect to be updated much more frequently! It's like a tiny bit of a blog!

-That's all I can think of. This blog post is completely pathetic. I will either update it Monday, delete it, or just leave it. I have not decided. Well, I'm going now. I'll see you guys Monday. Good Tidings!

Money: $10 (AHH)
Followers: 7 (YAY)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Herb Goldman's the name, movie-making's the game.

It is a Monday night, I am sitting here eating popcorn and am deeply disappointed in myself. You remember how I said I would blog last Monday? Well, I didn't. Too bad. I still haven't done my homework, so you blog readers better feel special. I will now commence in to telling you more about my current life events. Like you care.

Saturday night, I went to one of my friend's house for a Halloween/birthday party. There was a murder mystery thing where we were all different people and had to interview other people, and figure out who the murder was. I was Herb Goldman, a snooty movie-director who wants to film movies at Spookum Manor, the place we were "at". Everyone thought I killed him because then I could make movies. My friend, Brett, was Captain Bluebeard. All he had for a costume was a crudely-made newspaper hat with the word "Captin" on it. I was decked out in a Hawaiian shirt, a green hat that didn't match with the shirt, sunglasses, and a fake mustache. I changed the fake mustache for another one every hour or so and people kept saying things like "I thought it was black before?" They had a karaoke machine, so after almost everyone was gone except for my friends Gavin and Ali, I started singing in my loverly voice. "Sugar duh nah nah nuh Ooh Honey Honey" could be heard throughout Spookum Manor. Oh! And another thing. When I was outside, it was COMPLETELY QUIET. Like scary quiet. There was NO NOISE. It was just freaky. Well, that's all you need to know. Moving on!

The following is a Social Studies assignment when I had to try and convince the class that a circular object our teacher showed us was a bracelet. I got about half of the class to side with me and I later found out that it was actually a bracelet. This was extra credit, by the way. xD

"See that circular object up there? Well, that is a heavy bracelet, obviously. I mean, look at it! It's shaped like a bracelet and it looks like a bracelet. It's even giving off a bracelet vibe. It is clearly a woman's bracelet, because I don't know many men who wear bracelets. It is not made out of metal, because this is a very old bracelet. Metal was hard to come by back then. That is why Indians made jewelry out of pottery like this. I would not hesitate when declaring this was a bracelet. What else could it be? The object would fit perfectly onto someones wrist because it is, in fact, a bracelet. Don't feel like believing me? Well, that's your own decision. I am confident that all the children who are smart and logical will agree with me on the fact of this being, most definitely, a heavy bracelet. How dare you suggest this of being a necklace? You think that a neck could fit through that hole? A wrist maybe, but a neck is out of the question. Aren't some children just desperate to believe what they want to be true? Even when it's not? Yes, yes they are. Smart children know the answer is that this is in fact, a bracelet. Don't agree? Well, nobody cares. So, why not be a smart child?"

I love how I did on that. Oh, and my L.A teacher asked for one of my essays for an example for future classes. How cool is that? Pretty cool to me. On the subject of Creative Writing, I am most likely, probably, maybe not, going to participate in NaNoWriMo. This stands for National Novel Writing Month, which happens in November. My friend Gabby and I are both going to try and do it. We will definitely fail. At least we're going to try. That's all that really matters to us. I still don't have an idea for what it's going to be about yet though. That's not too good. Another thing, is that I'm still not sure what I should be for Halloween. I'm thinking Edward Cullen or Dumbledore or someone. I'm still debating. I only have about two weeks left, so I better hurry. Well, I got some homework to do and fiveawesomegirls videos to watch. Good evening.

Money: $36 (Mowed my mom's boyfriend's lawn for the last time last week. Going to need to find a way to get some money.)
Followers: 7 (COMMENT, I SAY.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mr. Poe's Going to Eat His Heart Out!

The following contains content from Creative Writing in Language Arts on Wednesday. There may or may not be some opinions or comments after each one. Enjoy!

CW #1 9/9/09
4. The lawn appeared to be green. The old, oak tree's leaves were already brightly orange or yellow or red. Almost half of the leaves were missing, although none littered the ground. Just then, one enthusiastic leaf decided to leap off his stem and into the wild breeze beyond. Sadly, the leaf did travel long before it's course became altered and he was sent to the ground. Upon making contact, the leaf felt a tingling sensation and spontaneously burst into flame. Within seconds, the leaf, the very enthusiastic leaf, was gone from this universe entirely.
Somewhere in another universe, upon a very green planet, a very enthusiastic, bright red leaf appeared out of no where upon the very green lawn. Along came a being that looked slightly human, but mostly alien. He had a green skin tone, "How cliche." he thought. There were more than four eyeballs covering his forehead and he wore a bright purple suit. Upon that suit was a name tag which read; Leafroy. Leafroy was in existence for one reason only. The "Autumn Leaves", he heard they were called. They provided him nourishment and mostly, love.

I wrote that when I couldn't think of anything to write. I looked out the window and saw a tree with almost half of the leaves gone. But, I couldn't see a single leaf on the ground. I found that quite odd. Thus, I started writing and this is what showed up. Well, on to the next one!

CW #2 9/16/09
4. The students had a plan. An evil plan. A most likely illegal plan. It all started on a Tuesday, go figure, when the students all sat down. Charlie had brought something to school. Something dangerous. This sounds like the back of an incredibly "target the teenagers" type of book which is full of teenager problems, a bomb report and romantically inclined vampire. I mean, that's all that people are writing. Somehow, vampires became alluring. I miss when vampires were terrifying creatures that sucked blood of innocent people and didn't care at all. Now, they don't even turn into bats. OKAY, BORING TOPIC! Charlie kicked the bomb, it went off, they all died, the end.

I have no idea why I decided to write this, but it is completely honest when I'm talking about vampires these days. I mean, sure, we can all deal with Twilight. But, all I'm seeing these days, are romantic novels, most of the time including vampires. I bet I'm not the only one who's noticing this. Well, enough rambling. Next one!

CW #4 9/30/09
4. The author decided it was time for the banker to die. Mr. Poe was driving along in his black Oldsmobile when a mysterious man lunged in front of him. Mr. Poe swerved, crashing into a gas station, it exploded. "Well, that's the end of that." said the figure, who was Jim Carrey. Out of the billowing sheets of smoke, Mr. Poe emerged, a shotgun in hand. This battle was going to happen now, not later. Jim Carrey took out a machete, and they got to work. Slicing and dicing, shooting and dodging, only one would be the victor. Mr. Poe bounces up to Jim Carrey, his belly jiggling. "There can be only one!" he screamed, and shoved his hand into one of Jim Carrey's wounds, pulling out his heart. He then took a bite of it.

Oh, wow. Apparently, this is a Series of Unfortunate Events, Jim Carrey and Highlander parody. I really like the idea of Mr. Poe being all bad-ass and the part where I wrote "billowing sheets of smoke". It kind of disturbed me when I read the part about the heart, but it would be so cool if it was in the Unfortunate Events movie. Under this, was a picture of a fat man in a suit and top hat with a poorly drawn heart in his hand with a bite mark. He is saying, "Oh, delectable!"

Well, that seems like enough for one blog post. I might write another one later tonight telling what I did this past week, or I'll write it tomorrow. Either way, see you guys soon!

Money: $22.50 (Some of it is lunch money.)
Followers: 7 (You guys should comment...)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taylor Swift is a goat and The Polar Express

CW #3 9/23/09

Hello, Blog! I am writing this blog post straight from Language Arts! We have something called Creative Writing that we do every Wednesday. It's probably my favorite part of Wednesday. I enjoy it when school allows you to be creative, although they don't much. Our teacher only gave us seven minutes to write today, because we're going to have some test. Seven minutes!? That's nothing! I'll probably just be able to finish the opening paragraph. It's about 1:06 in the afternoon, and after this we have Skills Block! It's like Study Hall; you get to try and complete some of your homework and read, etc. It feels very weird to be blogging in a class with no computers. It feels like I'm an author who must record his story, even though he will just have to copy this again later. I feel very... secretive.

What you just read was from Wednesday. I copied it down to this blog last night. I was going to write more, but it was getting late and I had to study for three quizzes the next day, so I just didn't. Although, I've had a pretty fun week, and I'd love to share it with you. Off we go!

Monday: Oh, gosh. Monday seems so far away now. I can hardly remember what I did, if anything. Oh! I remember now! I spent the entire night working on my friend, Wynne's birthday present. I made him letters that make it look like they're from Ron, Hermione, and Hogwarts, all of them coming straight out of Prisoner of Azkaban. I even included the Sneakoscope in Ron's letter, (It's a circular rock with a whole in it, unlike the original glass spinney-thing.)

Tuesday: Tuesday was pretty fun. My dad picks me and my brother up at five, and says were meeting people up at an ice cream place in the mountains. He says they were the "Monkey chow people." I instantly remember who they were. They're this four person family who, for some strange reason, we got to talking about Toy Story 2, and if you don't get the reference, go watch the movie again. We got there early and had our ice creams when we got there. They showed up on time, and were kind of angry that we ate before they got there. I tried a riddle out on them also. "What do you put in a toaster?" And, they both say," Toast". That cracked me up. Later, we were watching the goats. One was a brownish color and one was white. They would headbutt each other and we would yell "Go Whitey!" and such things. Then, we ended up calling them Taylor Swift and Kanye West. "Oh, Taylor! Why are you peeing on the stump!?"

Wednesday: Our dad picks us up at five and we go to one of his friends house and have pizza. I think I had about four or five pieces, I was that hungry. After, my mom picked me up and we went to go see the 70th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz Special Airing at the local theater. At the beginning, it showed a short documentary type of thing, telling us more about the actors and actresses and such. When the movie came on, it looked so nice and clear. I felt like I was in the 1900's and watching it for the first time. It was magical. I then got home to my dad's at about 9:20, got undressed, had a drink, and went to bed.

Thursday: I remember in Social Studies that we were talking about people in India and how most of them get cremated when they die. She told us to close our eyes and raise our hand if you wanted to be cremated or buried when we died. I wasn't sure, but raised my hand for cremation. When I die, I don't want people digging me up and molesting me or something, you know? Once I got home, I wandered lazily around my room for most the night. I watched the Polar Express because I was in the Christmas mood and I ended up buying a signed copy of the Polar Express book on Ebay. The funny this is that it was signed, "To Ben". I then finished my homework, barely studied for the three quizzes and went to bed.

Friday: I studied for the three quizzes on the bus with my friend Alex, and ended up doing, what I think, perfectly on the Social Studies and Science quizzes. I asked the math teacher and found out I got an 89 on the quiz. That's good enough for me! At lunch, I gave Wynne an early part of his present; a cake that I bought for $1.50, but was still good, he said. I caught popcorn in my mouth, jumped recklessly off of the swings at recess. I am now home, and my dad's going to be here VERY SOON. I need to go! Goodbye!

Money: None?
Followers: 7

Sunday, September 20, 2009

(Insert Title Here)

"Oh my god!" my blog shouts after being woken up. "Is it just me, or did someone just press 'New Post'?" That's right, blog! I have returned from the mental adventure that I have traveled this past week. Oh, who am I kidding. I've done NOTHING worth mentioning this past week. Well, obviously there has to be SOMETHING, but, you know? I just don't really know anymore. Right now, I feel like I'm turning into my friend, Gabby, who blogged about two times and then just was... gone. I don't want that to happen to me. You don't either, right? I hope not. I hope someone out there enjoys reading this Internet journal, even though it doesn't get updated enough, and the author can sometimes not be heard of for days at a time. Well, I am just mentally tired at the moment, so this blog will come to you in list form. Enjoy?

-Yesterday, after getting dressed and ready before noon on a Saturday, (Wow!), I was off to Big Y to go get something that can be home-made. This is because, randomly, on Friday night I thought to myself, "I want to make something. Something like cookies or brownies or a cake or something. Mostly for the fun of making it, partly for the joy of eating it. Make mental note to try and accomplish this tomorrow." And, for once, I DID accomplish something. I bought regular chocolate-chip cookies and double-chocolate-fudge cookies. I also bought Jello, but never ended up making it. I made all of it by myself, thank you very much. And, they were really good! I still have some of each, and am going to bring some to lunch tomorrow for my friends. Hope they like them!

-Today, I woke up at noon, which is pretty late for me. My mom did a very good job weeding the driveway this morning, I didn't even think it was possible, some of it was so weedy. We later went to Barnes and Noble, my safe haven, and I put Nerdfighter notes in all of John Green's books, something I've been waiting to do for a long time. I also bought The Chronicles of Narnia: Leather-bound Edition, The Road to Oz, Catching Fire; the sequel to The Hunger Games, (which I'm going to start after writing this,) and a book called Twitter Wit, a collection of the funniest tweets. I thought I got a pretty good score this time I went. Alas, books cost money. I have none now. Boo.

-On the way there, we stopped by this tiny side street place that was known to make the BEST jerky. We went up to the door, and it said "Closed" in big, intimidating letters. Although, the owner, who happened to be there, opened the door, let me buy a ten dollar bag of Ragin' Buffalo jerky, and rushed us out. It is really good, and I'm going to bring some to school tomorrow with the cookies for a surprise for my friends. They're going to flip.

-I was planning on inviting my friend, Wynne, over all weekend, but never really got around to it. Sorry, Wynne. I just don't really know why I didn't invite him. I should've. OH! Saturday night, I found out from that Half-Blood Prince comes out on DVD on December 8th. I know what's going on my Christmas List! Well, it's getting late, so I should start wrapping this up. About two hours ago, I finished Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. It was really good, but it took me two weeks to finish, which is a pretty long time for me. I enjoyed Douglas Adams' witty humor again and loved the interconnectedness of all events in the entire book. Almost everything had to do with everything. I loved that. But, I also can't wait to read "The Hunger Games" now. I've heard nothing but great things about it. So, hooray!

-I have successfully watched the first three months of videos of the fiveaweomegirls. They are really entertaining vloggers and I highly recommend them. They are all so awesome, that it is impossible to pick a favorite. Kristina, Lauren, Kayley, Hayley, and Liane. Thank you for being awesome.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment! I'll probably remember something that I wanted to include in this, but I'm not remembering that right now. So, goodbye!

Money: $10 (That's all lunch money for this next week.)
Followers: 7 (Let's go for ten!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Shia's just a kid and "THE LEECHES!"


Friday, I was supposed to go to our town carnival that happens for three days every year. It rained. A lot. Luckily, my best friend, Gavin, called me, and after negotiating with my dad, he let me sleep over his house. This was cool because we haven't hung out in a long time. I just put "Life in Technicolor" by Coldplay on in the background while I'm writing this and it really makes me want to write more and more until I've written a book. That's how much it makes me want to write. Well, back to Friday.

We decide to go out to a local, usually hopping, pizza place, mostly know for it's hot wings. We got a pitcher of orange soda which I have not had in such a long time and almost ate an entire large pizza. Gavin showed me this application on his iTouch called Censored! Where you could touch the screen and it made that censored sound effect that is basically just a Beep, but it was SO MUCH FUN. "And then I told her that she was a mother-Beep-er and that she could go eat Beep." you could hear me saying throughout the whole place while we ate our pizza. After, we went back to Gavin's house and played some video games for awhile. He showed me his new CHINCHILLA, named "Gizmo". We got some chocolate ice cream out, and Gavin poured a bunch of chocolate chips in my bowl, which made it really chewy ice cream. Thanks a lot, Gavin! We got Gavin's Netflix's CD of the month out and watched Eagle Eye. It was okay, there were a lot of things I had problems with, like Shia Labeouf swearing and acting all grown up. To me, he's still that kid from The Even Stevens and Holes. Sorry, Shia. You're still a kid. But besides that, the movie was pretty action-packed and crazy and I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't bad.

After, we played some more video games. Then, I showed Gavin I brought the DVD of "A Series of Unfortunate Events", a movie he had never seen. We watched it and he later told me that it was pretty good. I, however, fell asleep before Aunt Josephine got eaten by the leeches! Ah, poor Aunt Josephine. You will not be forgotten. In the morning, we went to the "best doughnut place around." I got a egg and cheese sandwich. Haha. But, it was GOOD. Like usual. After THAT, we went to Gavin's brother's soccer game where we met another of our good friends, Connor. We walked over to the carnival which was nearby, yet not open yet. We played in the playground like the childish people we are, and saw a helicopter take off many times very close to us. We ran towards it at first and Connor's hat went flying and it felt like a James Bond moment. Like, we NEEDED to get on that helicopter. Obviously, we didn't. After after after, Gavin and I go over to the carnival while Connor watches the soccer game because his mom wouldn't let him go.

Saturday, 1:00. Basically, the first people there. We each get twenty tickets and go on all the rides we wanted to about once, since the prices were outrageous. It was so much fun going on the ride with just Gavin and I and not all the annoying people who think they're clever. Later, more and more people started showing up that we knew, and we started hanging out with a very large group. Cam and Gavin walked to the gas station down the street to buy a Monster, an energy drink. "I though monster's are supposed to eat me." I tell my friend, Brett. "That's not funny" he replies. I end up spending 30 dollars at the carnival. $24 on rides, and $6 on food. I bought an order of fries and throughout the day, three Sprites. Even though the skies were white and it was drizzling every now and then, it was a gloomy mood throughout the carnival. IT WAS FUN NEVERTHELESS.

At 6:00, I disappear from the crowd to go watch the parade with my dad and brother. I get some candy, (Nerds too!), and one of those bead necklaces. We then go to an ice cream place up in the mountains. I now realize that I had ice cream twice in two days. I am sorry. Then, we go to the same pizza place I went to on Friday night and I get the "Popeye" which is chicken tenders with fries on the kids menu. The best. After, we go to the hill behind the carnival and watch the fireworks. It was drizzling, it was cold, and I had the feeling that I should've been at the carnival with my friends, not with my dad and very annoying brother. After that, I had a somewhat gloomy attitude. I went to bed soon after and slept a lot.

You don't care about Sunday, no, you don't, because I still have homework! Goodbye!

Money: $34
Followers: 7 (Welcome Jeff!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

With A Little Help From My Friends

I think this is the latest I've decided to blog, at least on a school night. I finished all my homework earlier and started homework that was due Tuesday, so I'm content with what I did. I am currently on my mother's computer again, hopefully for the last time, because the laptop cord is expected to come in tomorrow. Finally! Now, I must tell you about my day, forgetting yesterday entirely.

School happened as usual until, Math class. Oh, boy. Our teacher gives us a 5-minute warm-up sheet, usually consisting of 4 to 9 math problems about things we learned a year or two ago and completely forgot. I have a horrible feeling I am going to fail this class, just because she either doesn't give me enough time to finish all the problems or she gives me to much problems. Either way, I think, with all things considered, that my teacher does not deserve the honor of being respected. Don't think I'm being harsh, because if you had to take her math class, I bet you would also despise her as much as I do. Well, enough angry ranting. There is much happiness to come!

Almost before school ends, I'm packing up all my things to head home. With my backpack on the disgustingly dirty floor, I am shoving things I need for tonight for homework and such. I zip up my backpack and swing my head and body up into the air and into full standing position. I, in fact, never got that far. About half way up, I slam my head into my neighbor's open locker door. Ouch. I bet I'm not the only one who's ever done it, but it hurt. Bad. For the next three minutes, I was half laughing, half holding in my explosive pain.

When school's over, I proudly walk past the bus I usually get on after school like the home-life person I am, because, yes, I am actually doing something after school. Wynne, my friend I mentioned before, and I walk down to the library, not far from our school. While walking, some girl in a car passing us screams something that later sounded like "Save the whales!" or something strange. As the mature person I am, I yell back, "Kill me!", without really thinking. Wynne and I laugh some more. We hang out at the library for like twenty minutes, doing homework and stuff, and then walk back to school to meet with one of our friends. Blonde, and with a perky attitude, walks out Gabby, friends of both Wynne and I. We take another walk to Gabby's house, drop off our backpacks, I eat some crackers and drink some water, and then we cross the street again and go to the corn maze, which must be very new. We each give the guys a fiver, and run in with wild abandon. I race ahead, and drop my money in the process. Picking it up, Gabby runs past me, says "Fail!" and speeds past a turn. Later, I catch up, we all decide not to run anymore, and start splitting up and trying to find a route out. At one point, we lose Wynne and don't find him until near the end. The maze kept reminding me of Goblet of Fire. Ahhh.

After what seems like an hour, we find the exit. It only took us 30 minutes. Too easy, guys. 6 hick-looking farmer type boys and a shirtless dude all sitting up on the Farm Truck ask us questions like "How was it?", "To easy?" and "Want to go grab an apple?" We all snag a bright, red apple, which had that country farm charm and tasted like no apple before. We realize we have an hour until my mom picks us up, so we head back to Gabby's house to chill.

After a while of watching Gabby do homework, eat crackers and drink some more water, and looking at Wynne texting on his brand-spanking-new phone, we all get to talking about the weirdest things such as The Wizard of Oz, short and long relationships, what exactly an eating disorder is, just being silly like the friends we are, and commenting how weird we all are, etc. The whole afternoon was pretty exciting and I still can't get over how good the apple was. I want another now. It feels like Gabby and I are much better friends now that we've hung out more, and Wynne and I seem to have become best friends. It's weird how life's like that. It's also nice, though.

Oh, and Wynne might be on to me about his Surprise Letters. I let something slip about a "surprise on my blog" or something, so he might've seen it. I'm not sure at the moment. Well, it's getting late, and I'm going to go look for an apple! Bye!

Money: $37
Followers: 6

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Blog so long, it took two days.

Greetings, all. I am broadcasting to you all live from the library! Oh, the excitement! Well, there is a TON I need to say, and my dad's warning of don't take to long is preventing me of telling you what you NEED to know. So, I will either fix this up quick, or take my time and put it up tomorrow, Wednesday. When you have read this far, you'll know which one I chose.

I am not going to say everything in the order they happened, because I clearly don't feel like it and I feel there are some things more exciting then the other. Firstly, I got a new phone! Squeal! It's the ENV TOUCH! And, yes! It is beautiful! It's got a touch screen, (obviously), and when your scrolling through the comments, it makes a kind of "spin the wheel" type of noise, which, to me, is the best thing you could think of when making a phone. I already got some pictures on it, the quality is great, and I sent some pictures from a website to my phone featuring Doctor Who and Turk and JD. Now, here's the exciting story. My mom and I went to the Verizon store, I had 153 dollars and a broad grin on my face. Turns out, the phone, even with the plan we already acquire, was around $400, despite my research. With a sad face, I turn to leave, wondering what I'll tell my friends. Then, out of no where, my cousin, who is the freakin' manager of the place, comes out and gives us the phone for half off. My mom, oh bless her, offers to pay the 50 dollars I did not acquire. This all happened Friday, right after school.

The following happened about 2 and a half hours ago. I got home from school, cracked open a can of coke, chugged a bit, petted my dog, and realized something. There might be something in the mailbox. I rush outside, crossing the dangerously fast road, rip open the door to the spider infested mailbox and gaze at a beautiful, extravagant white wrapping paper around a biggish box. I take it all off, and rest my eyes on my very own... John Green Bobble Head. Yes, I was one of the lucky hundred or maybe more on the Secret Project mailing list and we got first dibs. It depicts John holding a large black book, standing on a black podium so to speak, with "DFTBA" written on it in large, white lettering. The puff-levels are clearly not very high, although I love it anyways. I am now, in very much need of a Hank Green Bobble Head. Someone! Make it happen!

The following happened Saturday night. I had done basically nothing all day besides mow my mom's boyfriend's lawn and watch a movie or whatever I did. So, I suggested we all go mini-golfing. Sure! I invited my buddy, Wynne, (You'll probably hear my about him some time later,) but, he did not pick up. I learned that he was home at the time, didn't hear me call, and didn't know my number, so he couldn't call back. Excuse me for a second. -.- Okay, back. I then called my trusty friend, Austen, not to be confused with Austin. He did not pick up either. We speed down the street, and we see him sitting on his doorstep. Turns out, he needed some air, and didn't get the call, but ended up joining us. I love how funny life can turn out to be. I, don't really know how this happened, beat everyone, even beating my mom's boyfriend who is really good at regular golf. Out of all that happened, what I told you is all I can bother to remember. But, trust me, a lot of fun and memorable things happened that night. (Not in that way, you perv.)

The following happened Sunday night, (I need to blog more...) Austen and I went over to our friend, Madi's house. She goes to a different school then us now, so we miss her and don't see her much anymore. We hung out, talked, danced to "She Wolf", threw a huge bouncy ball, read some of her super secret diary, watching most of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, ate ribs and corn cake, and a lot more things. Austen, it seems, as always sort of liked Madi, sometimes obviously. She has a boyfriend now, apparently, so he was kind of moody at times. Or maybe, I don't really know. I was only an observer. Austen left early, around 10:15, missing the bonfire. I stayed until 11:00, so I got some bonfire time! Oh, yeah! Madi and I tried to finish Roger Rabbit unsuccessfully. I had the biggest smore I never wanted to have. (The marshmallows appeared to be on steroids.) When I was going to leave, we sat on her doorsteps and talked about how we met, and how we're still friends now. "Well, it's been really nice hanging out and seeing you again. It seems like we missed out on this sort of thing." I said. She sadly nodded, it appeared. We had one goodbye hug, said we'll see each other sometime soon, neither of us sure, and I left. I am going to call this event the Great Bus Buddie Reunion '09.

9/9/09 What you have just read was written yesterday. My dad made me leave the library. If you wondering why I didn't write at home, well, that was because my laptop battery cord stopped working and a new one should come in the mail. So, I decided to finish this post on my mother's computer. Not much left! Hooray!

I am planning to do Lauren Fairweather's YouTube Background Challenge when I come up with an idea and get around to doing it. Another thing on my mind that I'm doing is the Big Secret Surprise Letters Event. I'm going to be sending Harry Potter-themed letters to my friend Wynne, just for funsies. One is going to be from Ron, one from Hermione, and one from Hogwarts. They're all going to be made so they are like directed towards Harry. I'm going to start doing that soon. (I hope Wynne doesn't read this.) Well, that's about it! Goodbye!

Followers: 6 (I welcome whoever has joined!)

Monday, August 31, 2009

A week in paradise, going Across The Universe with Austen Powers!

"Dear Prudence, open up your eyes." and Tom Cruise saying "Yeah, baby" hilariously from the beginning of Austin Powers in Goldmember can be heard over the tapping of keys while this blog is being typed. Yes, I know, listening to music, watching Austen Powers, AND writing up a blog that was bound to be one of the longest and most extravagant blogs in the history of the universe, is not a very good idea. Oh my god. "It's Britney Spears!", yells Austen. And thus, a dance off is vital to the opening's success. In one word; Genius. Well, I'm getting carried away.

Emerald Isle, North Carolina was the most fun week I've had all summer, possibly all year. So much happened that is completely impossible to recount EVERYTHING that happened. So, I will recount my favorite, most interesting, and other parts that must be told. To avoid making this really long, we shall journey forth in... NOW!

-I went to Cam's house at around eight 0'clock at night, to be leaving at ten. We had to clean out the fridge, so Cam and I were assigned to drink half a gallon of milk. That was hard, but after I felt very accomplished and somewhat bloated. The car ride was fourteen hours long. No need to say much about that. It was long, and tiring, and I slept about half of it. We drove through a very scary lightening storm and stopped at about three McDonald's along the way. At about ten in the morning, we were two hours away. We stopped at a Waffle House. It was really good, I had two chocolate-chip pancakes and a glass of, *gulp*, milk. Cam's dad said he'd give me 5 dollars if I danced to the jukebox, but I was to tired and not in the mood to oblige.

-Upon getting there, we rush to the beach across the street, because we didn't have the key to the house yet. We flip off our shoes and flip-flops and put our toes in the water. It was the warmest ocean water I have EVER felt. That would be a contributing factor to why I loved the trip so much. Later, Paige, Adam, and their parents and Ryanne show up and then Emily, Greg, Molly, and their parents come with the key. Cam and I get our own room and our own beds and a closet and dresser, while Cam's brother, Nolan, and Greg and Adam took mattresses into the Game Room. With everyone situated and tired, we all went to bed early that night.

-Though out the week I was either in the ocean or in the pool or on the beach or watching Mtv with my peeps or having a meal. You can tell how much freakin' fun I had. My new favorite "make fun of me because I'm so stupid I'm funny" show is Next on Mtv. It's where these 5 people get on a bus, and if the chooser likes them he or she offers them to go on a second date or take the money. Or he can say "Next" if the girl's ugly or something. It's pretty hilarious. We always had really good meals while there, also. Like pancakes, eggs, and cold-cuts and meatball grinders and seafood and steak and cheeseburgers. One night, it was Cam's dads' birthday so we had the most delicious hand-made cake I have ever tasted. I had two pieces on his birthday and two the next day. It was so, so, so, so and so good!!!

-We went mini-golfing twice. I got a hole in one on the second time we went on the first hole while everyone was watching, so my self-confidence sky-rocketed right then. "Who's the man?", I exclaimed, no one answering, most likely out of jealously. I got a 43 the second time, which is really good for me. One night, we went go-karting. There was a bridge that went over part of the track, which was pretty freaky-deaky. I didn't pass anyone, but no one passed me, so I felt pretty darn good! We went out to ice cream about three times, Dairy Queen twice and Ben and Jerry's once. I got the Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard at Dairy Queen, (Oh my god, so tasty!). and a chocolate brownie something shake at Ben and Jerry's. Darn it, now I'm hungry.

-One night, we were going to make fried potatoes, but they got fried too much. They were rock hard and someone decided to throw one. After ten minutes of chucking potatoes at each other, I didn't even get hit. We played hide-and-seek in the huge house we rented and some hid on the roof while other's in closets, under beds, in cabinets, and underwater, (Haha, that was tricky!). One night, after having cake and finding the green pool light, I convinced Nolan to go swimming with me. I jumped in with wild abandon. Just two minutes later, I felt something in my pocket. My cell phone. I flew out of the pool, turned it off to a vibrating blank screen and took out the battery. My dad brought it to his work today and he might be able to fix it. I was going to get a new one soon anyway. So, meh.There was this one time where all the kids were in the Game Room and Paige saw this bug in the bathroom and she thought it was a cockroach. And sure enough, a bug much smaller then expected came scurrying out of the bathroom. Everyone started screaming and getting up on the pool table and chairs and tables. I didn't actually see it at first, so I freaked out also. Looking back, it was pretty hilarious. And, on Friday night, it was thundering and lightening. We were watching that reality TV show called "A Haunting". Someone, I think it was Paige, said, "If I was a ghost, I'd scare the crap out of people." Right then, something scary popped on the screen and the power went out. Everyone one screamed for a second and when the lights came back on I was on the floor having tripped over the table, Adam and Emily and Paige were in the hallway rushing upstairs and Cam, Ryanne, Nolan, and Greg appeared not to know what happened.

-The night before we left, Cam's family and I went to a fast-food place called "Bojangles" for dinner. It's funny because that's what my Grandpa named his dog, (They call him "Bo"). It was really good. I had curly fries and buffalo chicken bites. We then went to a souvenir store where I almost broke something, bought a small, dead shark in a blue glass beaker and a obnoxiously big magnet for my mom.

-The way back was long and long and long and we talked and we slept and we stopped at the Waffle House again for breakfast and-- Wait! I remembered something funny! I had the same thing I did before, (Yum.), and I asked the waitress with a southern accent for a high-five. And she obliged! It was so awesome! When we passed Washington, D.C, I saw the Washington Monument and the Capitol building, which was pretty cool. I got home around midnight, took a shower, and then slept, slept, slept. I feel like my friendships with everyone improved over the week and that I'm really grateful Cam invited me. It was really, really fun. There's not much more to say. OH! Thursday morning, I woke up and watched "Across the Universe" with everyone. It's the one littered with Beatles songs. I loved it, but I didn't like the ending. It just seemed to be missing something. Eh, I don't know.

NOW, YOU MAY LEAVE!!! I bet you've been dieing to hear that since you started. I hoped you enjoyed reading this more than I did writing it. Hands... tired...

Money: $191 (I need a new phone now... Grrr!)
Followers: 5 (You should be one.)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Goodbye, Tubing, and things. I Gotta Go!!!

This will be much shorter than yesterday, trust me.

Today, I woke up in a trance at 9:30 AM, got dressed in a swim suit and T-shirt, ate breakfast and went to this river with my mom's friend and her two daughters. The area where we were stopping was, by sign, called "Satan's Kingdom". Well, then. We pull up to the tube place and each of us grab a tube to ride on down the river. That's right, river rafting. We all try, horribly, to get onto the tube and get into the water. The water freezes my butt to the core, and I speed down the river ahead of everyone else. I come to this huge rapid under a highway bridge and am so excited and terribly nervous, all at the same time. No one flipped the entire way, sadly. I jumped in at one point, stupidly, getting frozen in the meantime. We come to the get-off point, pile into a blue, (yes, blue), bus and go back to our cars and change and all that.

Next, we got to Subway across the street. I get a 6 inch, Italian herbs and cheese bread, ham and American cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and mayo. Yum! While eating, we discuss how horrible of an actress Kristen Stewart is, the new Harry Potter movie, hilarious twilight parodies, no one being able to come up with a favorite band, and tons of more interesting, talk-able stuff. After, I get my mom into stopping at Borders. Ohhhhh boy! After about 30 minutes of not finding anything remotely interesting, I come upon Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances. Okay, not a summer book. But, it has John Green and Maureen Johnson and someone else I don't know about co-writing it, so I bought it. John Green is one of my favorite authors and I've heard many good things about Maureen Johnson. I then go to my dad's house to pick up clothes for my week-long trip, wash them all, go and get the Internet things taken care of, pack everything up, and it took me around four hours to do all of that. Sad, really. Now, this is where I am. Keeping all 5 of you, (I KNOW! FIVE!! AHHHH!!!), updated on my, "Hmm. Wait, what??" life. It feels good to tap these keys knowing that at least some people actually read this.

In about an hour I'm going to be at one of my best friends, Cam,'s house to get ready for an 10 to maybe 14 hour car ride to a place I've never been to, North Carolina. We're going to be staying at a beach house called the "Arcadia Panda House", because of it's panda statue and it's game room, most likely. It has a heated pool, heated hot tub, pool table, Foosball table, HD TV, and much other awesome opossum things. Well, there's not much more for me to say besides I'll be gone for a whole week. And school is like three days after I get home. I know, I'm scared too.

Money: 250 (Booh-yah!)
Followers: 5 (Sexy beasts.)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blogging in the Moonlight (Too effing Long!)

Okay, okay, okay, and okay. I have so much I could write about. But, I don't want to write about everything. If I did, It would take a very, very long time to read it and I don't want to burden you in that way. It's a Thursday night, having just finished watching Chamber of Secrets to make it really feel like I was finally home and accessible to DVDs. It's been almost a week since you last heard from me. So, having finished my movie, exited out of The Leaky Cauldron, turned down the volume on my TV, gritted my teeth, I began to type what was probably going to be my longest blog post you will ever read. So, grab a drink and let's get started.

Friday to Sunday:
Friday night, I went to this town fair like an hour away from my dad's house. I entered a free bike raffle, lost, ate a dinner of greasy, but traditional to fairs, chicken nuggets with fries and not enough ketchup. We then went to go watch tractors pull thousand-pound blocks of cement. After two of these attempts, it became boring. We left about two hours after. Moving on to Saturday, I went to my dad's girlfriend's house for a Family Reunion with their family, not mine. Knowing no one, it resulted in me eating to much food then should have been eaten and shooting arrows at empty Tide bottles with Sharpie-drawn faces of people such as Hitler and Mini-Me being the evil terrorists and Harry Potter and Miley Cyrus as the hostages. Miley was shootable. After, we went to another party with more people I don't know. That was no problem for me apparently. I was making friends with the younger and maybe older kids in the pool. Being silly and claiming, "I will bite your ankles!", before lunging underwater in the direction of some kids made me a need-to-meet type of person. I felt accepted. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! I went to that Hunter's Education class, that was from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. It was boring and full of information I already knew. I passed the test with a 98, getting one question wrong. Of course. We then race home, throw all the camping things in the trunk, and drive the two hour drive to the camp.
We begin setup, swatting mosquitoes every second. 10 minutes and 30 mosquito bites later, we're finished. We go to the 24-hour Walmart at like 11:30 at night to get things we needed, such as bug spray. After, we go to the beach. At night. I run on the sand, flip-flops thrown to the side, shunned away. This is what summer is supposed to feel like. It felt like I was doing something right. We then go back to Walmart again, to get a air-mattress pump. Tired and worn, we retire to our tents, defeated.

We have a breakfast of calorie-packed muffins. Dad and Zach ride down to the lake beach on unicycles, (yes, we are a weird family), while I walk, having not become that good at unicycling yet. The water is always yellow from underwater. My dad used to say that a giant peed in one of it's footsteps. That would always make me laugh. After, we shower in the public showers. Mine has brown smudges on the floor that I hope isn't what I think it is. Then, my grandma's sister calls us. "Want to come to the pool?" We go to the almost-deserted pool at my aunt's mobile-home-campground-place. We then go have Dinner at her daughter's trailer. We call her Punk, but, to my embarrassment, I don't know what her real name is. We have steak with potato salad and regular salad and bread and it was DELICIOUS. We go home, and go to bed.

Tuesday: We get up at 8:30, having set the alarm on my phone. We have breakfast and things and go to the state beach. It felt good to splash into the cold, cold water under the sun and it's 90 degree weather and such. I attempted at a sand castle and failed. My dad's girlfriend and two of her four kids, Nick and Jake, come about an hour later than when they said they'd come. We do the usual things you do at the beach; hang out in the water, play in the sand, get crushed by waves, tan, sleep, and drink water. And, as a teenage boy, although being geeky and such, couldn't help but look at some of the girls that walked past. Wow. Maybe that's why so many people go to the beach. After, we go to 99 to have dinner which was good. After, after we go to this movie at a wildlife visitor center that is nearby. The video was supposed to be Shark Tale but then turned into a wildlife educational video. It was so stupid and bad, it was hilarious. My dad and I laughed so much we had to leave the room. We left before it was over.

Wednesday: (Trying to finish a little faster.) We go to the laundry mat with all our dirty clothes. While waiting, my brother and I go bowling at this very Friday-night-flair type of place with big couches and a big screen playing tween music videos. I bowled a 320 out of three games, kind of impressing myself. My brother having done really bad, my confidence boosted that day. Later, we went to this diner called Nonnie's for dinner. It had a 50's vibe, playing an old TV show called "Taxi" with Danny DeVito in it. I had *Brinner, a stack of three chocolate-chip pancakes with a side of toast. I LOVE Brinner. At our last night, we had a fire, my phone died, and we went to bed for the last time in tents.

Today: (Finally) We packed up, left the campsite which could be the last time ever, and I tried to read Frankenstein, reading Harry, A History, much more. I throw all my clothes in the washer upon returning home, open my laptop and read all the blog posts I missed. I did other things today, but I am to tired and you are to bored for me to write anymore. I'll probably update on what I'm doing next tomorrow, so stay tuned! Ben, finally, out!

Money: 250 (A hundred and 30 dollars were given to me from my parents for NC.)
Followers: 4 (I <3 you.)


Friday, August 14, 2009

Packing, Camping, and More Packing.

Sorry, for not hearing from me for a whole three days. I again, have no excuse. If you don't hear from me for two or three days, don't freak out. I'm probably doing nothing worth blogging about or I'm way to busy and don't even have the time to think about updating. Which one do you think happened in the past 3 days. I'll leave that up to you to decide. xD

Yesterday night, my brother went golfing with my grandpa from Florida. I get to see him about three or four times a year, so I was kind of sad that he came and left. I showed him my room with two bookcases that me and my mom's boyfriend, Fred, made together. I also showed him the Tales of Beedle the Bard Collector's Edition. But, then, just after that, he left. And, I probably won't see him until Christmas. Sorry, if I'm bringing you down. Oh, yeah! He also handed me a twenty dollar bill, to a look of utter confusion on my face. "Papa, what is this for!?" and he said "Go to a movie or something." He didn't say it in a way like I never get out, which I do sometimes, I swear. He then went on to explain how him and his newly-wed wife, Madi or Maddie, (Yup. My Grandpa's still got it!), went to go see the new G.I Joe movie and how it cost a fortune. Ah, I love my Grandpa. And, old people in general. They tell it how it is!

While they went golfing, my mom and I went mini-golfing, cause we're cool like that. I got a hole in one, in my opinion, on the hardest hole there. I got a 57 and she got a 54. That was probably the best game of mini-golf I've ever played. Without my brother there to make the usual fierce competition of death, it was a lot more easier to play when I knew it would not matter at all if I lost. I usually got a 70-something. We then got not-hot-enough, but not-super-cold pretzels at the stand. Too much salt takes away from the pretzel. Believe me on this one. After, we went to the grocery store and I saw a old lady that looked exactly like an Elder on Sims 2. It was ridiculous how alike they looked. I couldn't hold back my laughter. Sorry, Elder Sim look-alike.
Yesterday, I also watched every single video of Neil Cicierega. He is a genius. If you haven't heard of him, CLICK THE LINK.

Now, on to today. This morning, I had breakfast, took a shower, and packed a bunch of clothes for going camping with my dad on Sunday night. For the weekend, I'm going to my dad's house, where we'll go to some small-ish fair tonight and then I have to take a Hunter Education course on Sunday that my Dad is teaching. Let me go complain to someone for a second. Okay, I'm back. Hunting, to me, is stupid and a waste of time. There are other things to eat, you don't need to eat Deer. They don't even taste good. All right, all right, enough about this "oh, my life is horrible, I never get what I want", crap. Life is good. Remember that.

I'm going camping for four days at this place that my Dad has been going to forever. He said this might be the last year we're going. That's because it almost rains every time we go, and since we're in tents, it's horrible when it rains. Plus, my brother definitely does not want to go anymore. So, this trip feels like the end of an era. After I'm done camping and all, I get home next Thursday morning. On that day, I will catch up on the blogs I'm following, go on facebook, check my email, thoroughly clean my room, wash all my clothes, pack the clothes again, sleep at my mom's for one night, than I have a day to do what I want. On that night, I'll go to my friend, Cam's house to put a suitcase or two into his minivan and we'll be in the car for 9 to 13 hours, (Estimated), driving to North Carolina. There, We'll spend a week in a house right across from the beach. It has a heated pool, hot tub, game room, and tons of bedrooms. It's going to be a great end of the summer. Wait, WHAT!?

School is approaching, like a monster hidden in the shadow, waiting for it's time to strike. It's time is coming. Well, on next Thursday, I promise I'll blog about camping and then tell you guys more about North Carolina. That's enough from me today. Bye, guys see you in almost a week! *cries*

Money: $120 (I don't think my mom cares about me paying her back or not, so yay! :)
Followers: 4 (It's really fun to be a follower, you should try it.)


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Delivery, A Very Potter Musical, Gumby Scares Dogs

For the last four or so hours, I have been squeeing with no end in sight. I feel it is my right to explain why there is a need to squee so much. I'll start at the beginning, although, it gets good near the middle. Enjoy!

Last night, almost nearing midnight, I see the amazing and very talented in the English arts hayleyghoover has posted a new post on her blog of many posts. After done reading, I scroll down to the comments and see someone say something about a musical about Harry Potter called "A Very Potter Musical". I click the link provided and see that I've come upon this before. I had left before the video was over. I decided to watch the whole video, which became the next one, and the next one, and the next one, until it was two in the morning and I was on Act 2. Let me say, that this was simply BRILLIANT. It's done by college students and they did it for a weekend, never to do it again, sadly. Although they recorded it!, thank GOD. Malfoy, played by a girl, made me have a laughing fit around one in the morning and Voldey and Quirrel going on a night on the town, and Dumbledore with the Zefron poster, and and and. It. Was. Awesome. That's how I spent last night. Click on the link or I no longer love you.

Eight hours later, I wake up. Two more hours after that, my mom, Zach, and I go to Bob's to get new pants for school. UGH. I get some killer pants that fit me really good and look even better. After that we head over to Red Robin, the restaurant that is cooler-than-99, but not-as-good-as-Panera Bread. I order the Five Alarm Burger that is the perfect amount of heat and tastiness.
As we're waiting I draw an empty table across from us and think it'd look better with arms. I leave it near the front of the table when we leave so people can bask in the beauty. Before we leave, I take a piece of napkin and a pen, and write, "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." quoting our dead, gay headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. I tie this little napquote, (Quotekin?) to one of the many Red Robin balloons, it was green, and watch it fly away into the distance.

After quickly rushing through Barnes and Noble and obtaining a Leather-bound copy of H.G Well's Seven Novels, "The Book Thief", "Harry, A History", and one of those little box things of Gumby and Pokey. They're so cute, haha. Twenty-fiveish minutes later,-- THAT WAS THE BIGGEST DANG MOTH I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Half way through a sentence, I hear what sounds like one of those Clacker things and see this hand-sized moth flying towards. I squeal and run upstairs bringing along my mom, brother, and my two dogs to destroy the beast. After many shoe throws, we finally destroy it, to my utter happiness. Now, back to the story. Twenty-fiveish minutes later, we arrive at our house. My mom says "Oooh, Benjamin! Look what's at the door!" I whip my face away from Gumby and see a brown box with a smile on the side on my doorstep.

After thoroughly washing my hands, I take scissors and carefully pry the tape off of that box. I gasp in amazement. This was really it. A white outer cardboard with "This Side Up" in beautiful Harry Potter lettering looks up at me. I carefully smooth this part of the packaging off of what I really want. There, in front of me, was a pretty large looking book-box that was made to look like a Hogwarts Library book. It looks old and worn, but it was meant to be old and worn. It was beautiful. Inside was a little felt pouch, next to an envelope containing beautiful prints of Jo Rowling's Beedle the Bard drawings. Inside the pouch, was the coolest part. It was the book that I waited less for a week for, which is a long time for me. It has a skull on it with jeweled eyes and metal corners and a metal clasp. Inside contained a hand-written-looking introduction by J.K. Rowling. It was probably definitely worth the money spent on it. Thank goodness.

My dogs are afraid of Gumby. Whenever I show him to either of them they are like "GET THAT MONSTER OUT OF MY FACE!!! AHHHH!!!"

Well, I don't really want to write anymore. I'm going to go watch Ella Enchanted and play Sims 2. My widowing Elder just married a newly Adult. Pip Pip, cheerio!

Money: 100 (I haven't payed my mother back yet.)
Followers: 3 :)

Bye guys, see you soon!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lake Censored For Safety and "The Bingo King"

I've had the "Create Post" window open all day, planning on filling it with words, but never got around to it and I have absolutely no excuse for that at all. So, I've decided it is time.

Yesterday, I went to a theme park called Lake *CENSORED FOR SAFETY* for my dad's company picnic. It is a theme park surrounding a wide lake. It is apparently the oldest theme park in America, but I don't really know how to be sure of that. It is very famous for it's free soda around the park, to my enjoyment. At the beginning of the day, my dad, his girlfriend, my brother, and I go to the lockers to put our clothes that we'd switch into later into a "Large" size locker, which is obviously not large. We cram it all in there successfully, and see more of my family. My Aunt, Auntie Patty, and my two cousins, Brian and Stephanie. We decide to go over to the end of the park where the Water Rafting ride is at. We were almost the only ones there, because everyone else was waiting for the water park to open. We got on it three times getting soaked in the process which was very fun. After that, we go over to the water park while my dad's girlfriend and Brian go on Boulder Dash, the only roller-coaster built into the side of a mountain.

Later, we go up to this ride called Wipe Out. I tell everyone if they go on with me, I'll go on it. Everyone, and I mean everyone, said no. So, I went on it alone. It was terrifying and amazing and crazy and totally my own. After I got off, I felt a sense of accomplishment because I was the only one who went on. I was all smiley for a while after that.

After, we went to the pavilion to get food and stuff. I got a load of Mac N' Cheese, potato salad, a potato, and a chicken breast. After that my plate was full and there was no room for a burger, taco, clam chowder, and more. I didn't even see that stuff. I think about putting some of it back, but than if I was someone else, I'd think that was nasty. There's a "Today's Fail" for you guys.

We sit down in a row of picnic tables and grab some bingo cards. We played until all the prizes were gone. Around four prizes left, I am terrifyingly close to getting five numbers in a row. I still remember the last one I needed, "N 33". And sure enough, the announcer calls out: "N 33." Astounded, I shout "BINGO!" which caused many bingoers to moan with grief. I race up to the front, the announcer checks if I got them all, and tells everyone the horrible news that I won and they didn't. I take a TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR BLOCKBUSTER CARD. My family should've known I have a knack for winning things. I once won a huge TV when I was like nine-years-old.

After we went on this ride with Zach and Brian. The video does NOT do it justice. Right when we get on the ride, I take my flip-flops off and put them on the seat. One drops off right away. Thank God it did, because if I dropped it five minutes later, no one would be able to get it. When we were going up, the height below us was indescribable and Brian informed me if I looked back, I "would wet my pants and try and jump off when we were near the ground." When we turned at the top of the highest point imaginable, I peed mentally. I could see the mall where I usually go that was over 30 miles away. I could see about as much as you could from an airplane. It was ridiculously horrifying and surprisingly amazing.

Much to much happened after that to record here, including me cutting my foot on the ground of this wave pool, us going on the kids' up-down-fall-at-any-time ride, with me screaming and then laughing at myself, and going on the swings and pretending I was running wicked fast on people's heads and picnic umbrellas. After Lake *CENSORED FOR SAFETY*, we went to my other cousin, Brittany's, graduation party. We greeted my grandma and her boyfriend, my grandpa and his wife, and my uncle. We chatted for a bit, but they soon left since they've been there all day. After that we didn't have much to do because almost everyone there was either eighteen or we did not know them. I played Frisbee with E.J., my dad's girlfriend, and Zach. We had dinner, congratulated my cousin, and decided there was nothing else we could do. We left, I got home to my mom's house, I watched a movie of a good book, Speak, with Kristen Stewart (Ugh), and went to bed at two in the morning because of Facebook. By the way, sorry for the length of this post. =/

I'd have to say, yesterday was very fun, indeed.

Money: $100 (Booyah!)
Followers: 3 (Tell your friends!)

Bye guys, I'll see you soon.

P.S: Beedle the Bard didn't come in yet. I'm hopeful for tomorrow!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who the eff is Ben? And why does he have a Wish List?

Today, I thought I'd like to explain myself a little on who in the H-e-double-tooth-picks I really am. As my blog readers, you guys deserve to know who really writes this. Well, it's a thirteen-year-old kid named Benjamin James. Some call him Ben. Or Benster.

He has no last name for safety reasons. He is a white Caucasian kid who doesn't know how tall he is, and has no way in finding out at the moment. He is very "nerdy". He enjoys to read, write, draw, listen to music, and whatever else thirteen-year-old boys do. He has a wide variety of friends and, well, books. He owns a typewriter, a Half-Blood Prince poster of Dumbledore, and the three Deluxe Editions of the Harry Potter series that are available. Ben has one brother and two parents who are divorced. While he is typing this very sentence, he is rushing desperately to think of something else about himself. Oh, yeah! HE IS A NERDFIGHTER. He loves Doctor Who, Harry Potter, The Catcher in the Rye, you, his blog readers, which means you and you and you and you. Yes. He loves blog commenters even MORE. They bring joy to his days as a convict. No, he is not a prisoner. He is also a weird, thinks-he's-funny kind of person.

Today, I woke up today with the motivation to do something today. I clean up my surprisingly messy top of the dresser, while slightly watching Something's Gotta Give on TBS, which was a lot funnier than I thought it was. At first, I thought it was When Harry Met Sally, because I've never seen that movie before, and Jack Nicholson was named Harry and his girlfriend at the beginning was named Sally. But, then I saw the title at the end of the commercial. Introducing a new segment, this was Today's Fail.

With the need to do something, I give my friend, Cam, who was mentioned before in this blog, a buzz. I somewhat invite myself over to his house to go swimming, but I just said "Well, you invited me over last Saturday, and since I couldn't come over then, can I come over now?" xD

We circulate inside his above ground pool, looking at clouds and trying to think of what they look like, and talking about school and us going to North Carolina on the 21st and Summer Reading and dreams. It felt really good doing something today, and catching up with a good friend I should hang out with more.

I finished City of Ember. Meh. I don't really want to write about that too much so, moving on. I started Frankenstein and so far all he's talking about is his childhood, so it's kind of boring. I'm only about 40 pages into it though, so it's bound to become more exciting.

Wrapping today's session up, I thought I'd show you my Wish List, which I hope to acquire all the things on this list by sometime in the near future. Thanks for being so tolerant of all this boring stuff, guys, it's really appreciated.

Wish List:
1. The Tales of Beedle The Bard Collector's Edition. CHECK.
2. New Phone.
3. New Web cam.
4. New Laptop.
5. Doctor Who Seasons 1-4.
6. Austin Powers Trilogy.
7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Leather-bound.

Money: 75
Followers: 3

Bye guys, hopefully I'll see you when I get something to write about.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ben discovers Trock and The Beedle Bard

"He is like fire, burning through time. As old as forever, but fast in his prime."

Some of you three followers might remember a couple weeks ago, that I have fallen obsessed with Doctor Who, a sci-fi show from England. Well, I have recently discovered Trock, or Time-Lord Rock. My favorite Trock band so far, is the brilliant Chameleon Circuit, consisting of Alex Day and Charlie McDonnell, both from YouTube. There are also two other guys, also from YouTube, but I don't know what their names are. Sorry :S. They are the first Trock band ever made. I'd have to say my favorite song would be "An Awful Lot of Running."

I was trying to keep this from you guys until it came in the mail, but I can't keep it in any longer. On Tuesday, I order my very own copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard COLLECTOR'S EDITION. It looks really awesome. I saw some pictures and videos of it online and although it is REALLY EXPENSIVE, I thought I'd buy it now before it became even more expensive. I am just so excited. I want the United Postal Service to be ten time faster than it is now. I'm going to expect it on Saturday or Monday.

Today, about thirty minutes ago, I had lunch two hours later than usual. I had a Peanut Butter and Jelly and FLUFF sandwich. I hadn't had a sandwich with fluff in such a long time, I'd forgot how GREAT it tasted. That was like the best lunch I've had almost all Summer. Geez Louise I just opened a bottle of Sprite, (my biggest weakness), and I have an almost full bottle of water hiding behind my curtain. This morning, right after my Dad dropped me off at my mom's, I changed into some junky clothes and mowed my mom's boyfriend, Fred's, lawn. It took only an hour but it was really long since I didn't mow last week. The mower is obviously dieing. That was what all the large clumps of blenderized grass scattered across the vast space of nothing that is his lawn meant. I haven't done much else besides that today, which makes me pretty angry with myself. I told myself I would do stuff this Summer, but so far I've done about 5 remember-able things this Summer. Well, I have camping with my Dad and going to North Carolina with one of my best friends to look forward to at the end of this month. I am extremely excited about North Carolina, more so than about going camping. I'm going with Cam and his family to a rented beach house across the street from the beach. It's got a pool, a hot tub, game room, wet bar, and a lot of other cool stuff. And, I get to go by myself. No parents or annoying brother. Fantastic! :D

Well, I'm going to try and find something to do out of the house. Maybe go to the mall or to a friends house, perhaps? I hope you three liked this one today, because it seems I'm alittle off today on the writing part.

Goodbye, and farewell.

Money: 75$ (Remember, I just spent a ton on Beedle the Bard CE)
Followers: 3 (Love you guys. You ACTUALLY read this. 8D)
What does Santa Clause do for Halloween...?

Monday, August 3, 2009


Well. I am very disappointed in myself. There are many, many, not so exciting things I could write, (I'm tired of the word "blog") about, but, saying I'm "New at this", seems to be a good enough excuse to get me out of writing about some of the boring Summer days I endure. I'll just recount some of my favorites and then I will just write what comes to mind. Sounds good? Excellent.

Yesterday, was my grandfather's birthday. I didn't really ask anyone how old he is. It was at his house on the lake of which I do not know the name of, and there was food and sitting and swimming in the yellow lake and some more food and some more sitting. A wide majority of the people attending were much too old to "shake some booty", like I suggested. Much of the day was taken up by snacking on these scrumptious chips that it seems they only have, and playing badminton, one of the only games there, while lunch was served. Having missed the apparently "Well cooked, perfect colored" cheeseburgers, I waited until desert to go to town. Only half the cake was gone before I saw that it was out and dashed down the stone steps to the food table. The elders were massaging their stomachs and speaking of politics, the not-so-elders were out fishing, and the children and around 3 teenagers were scattered around doing various things to keep them occupied. The cake was GOOD. Thirty minutes later, having Googled, "How do I get water out of my ears without shaking my head", I was pouring alcohol into my ear, and like Harry Potter magic, the water was gone. I was comfortable once more.

My friend and helper in my war on everything that is right, Brett, will not stop instant messaging me while I AM TRYING TO TYPE, has insisted that I include him in this post. Somehow I will have to find a way to squeeze him in. Ah, that's a good one. Alright, carry on.

This was not one of my prouder moments. It happened last year. At our middle school, in Health Class. Our assignment was to decorate a shoe box with pictures or text from magazines that has something to do about you. Mine was coming along great. Almost none of the pictures had to do with me. Thinking back, I wish I had kept it, to explain in greater detail what went into a project such as this. There was the Aflac duck, a apple. Racking my mind was not much help. Everything else is a blur. But, I promise you, I was wiggling between the lines of doing what I was told to do, and having as much fun as possible. About an hour later, our teacher, (I am so sorry about this, but, she had somewhat of a woman mustache), says "Alright, time to clean up, then we have to get you to your next class." I am all cleaned up and walking back to my chair, and who other than Brett walks up with one of his stupid grins on his face. "Wow, your box is really good, Ben!" He pats me on the back, hard enough to make it hurt. I go and sit down in my chair and hear the girls in the table behind me giggling. Thinking I had my shirt inside out or something, I turn to look at them and one of them points to my back. I grope at the small of my back for a few seconds and rip off a taped piece of paper. It reads, in bold, printed ink, "Sex Offender." The teacher had not noticed. I throw Brett and his laughing table an evil glare and when she says we can go, I race over to tell him off and then to go along and laugh with him. Moral of the story: Never turn your back on Brett.

I assume that was the longest paragraph I have written on here. I decide it's time for Dinner. I will catch you guys later. Holla! (What's wrong with me!?!?)

Money: STILL 210!
I've decided to drop followers because it does not seem to be going up.

Bye guys, hopefully I'll see you soon.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Reading < Watching Doctor Who

Lip-syncing "Baby Got Back" and dancing passionately around the room while you are trying to write in this online public journal is not advisable. One would become... distracted. It's also not very good to have that song on when you are trying to concentrate on what you were going to write about. The song ends, and with that, a blog begins. This blog comes to you in 3 parts.

Part 1: The Dream
Last night I had another peculiar dream, although it did not involve any chocolate this time. It was apparently a nightmare. About school. Yes, school. It's barely August and I'm already having nightmares about school. That's-- that's not good. Well, the dream had nothing to do with the first day or week or anything. The dream was about the end of the year. I'm guessing it was the end of this coming year, because what happened, never happened before. I had just gotten my last middle school report card. Usually, I get all A's or on some occasions, I would get a B or two. But, when I opened this report card, big, ugly C's were all over it. I had more C's than anything else. For some reason, the dream seemed very real and made me cringe in my sleep. If that ever happens in real life, I will know, I have finally cracked.

Part 2: The Doctor
Today, and every other day, I have been trying to watch every episode of the 2005 series of Doctor Who. Only just 30 minutes ago, I finished watching "The Satan Pit" and intend to finish the rest of Series 2 on Monday. There are only four episodes left of Series 2, so I thought I might as well finish it. I am very proud to say, that this is almost my favorite TV show... ever. Besides Scrubs, of course. But, seriously. Doctor Who seems to have been made for me. Every single episode is done and carried out brilliantly. My favorite episode so far, would have to be "The Unquiet Dead" or, of course, "Tooth and Claw". The first because it features none other than Charles Dickens and the plot was simply brilliant. Not ghosts, not really. But people who's bodies were destroyed in the Time War and go through the rift of space time to posses living people. I'm not entirely sure on everything though; I'm no expert. And, "Tooth and Claw" because it has a werewolf trying to kill the Queen, and the Queen kills someone with her little pistol. "I believe the proper form of address, is YOUR MAJESTY!" BAM. If you have NO idea what I'm going on about, I suggest you start here. It's just... brilliant.

Part 3: The City... of Ember
I have decided to re-read City of Ember, (I think I already told you this, oh well) for Summer Reading. So far, I am on page 54 out of 270. Ughh. I am sorry, but, I just can't get into this one. I think the only reason I was able to finish it the first time was because I was so determined to finish it, I didn't really think about how boring (Not sure if that's the best word to use,) it is. I mean, it's not a bad book to be assigned for school. But, I doubt I'll ever re-read it just for fun. Whenever it describes Doon, I picture some guy with HUGE eyebrows and trying to look tough but failing, badly. He is supposed to be a likeable character but... I just can't. I'd much rather be reading something else. I'm sorry, Jeanne DuPrau. I think we both know I'm speaking the truth.

Well, that's all I can think of for today. I have to go to my computer-less Dad's house for the weekend, so I will not be able to update until Monday. I see John Green has a new video, so I'm going to go watch that, and you should too! DFTBA.

Money: Still 210 -.-
Followers: Still 3 -.-

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dead Babies and Eating Bread While Sleeping.

Rushing to write a really good blog is almost impossible. I have at least thirty minutes until my dad picks me up, and since I haven't blogged since Saturday, I thought I could squeeze one in.

Today, (Forget Sunday through Tuesday,) I went to the beach for probably the first time this Summer. It was cloudy and my mom and brother kept on complaining it was "to cold and windy." I for one, was in the freezing water and I was quite comfortable. I met these two kids, Lucas and Nate and we talked a bit and got hurt when big-momma waves came through. After what feels like 30 minutes but is actually two and a half hours, I see my mom waving to come in. Grudgingly, I wade in. We all get changed and drive to the luxurious and graceful Foxwoods Resort and Casino to go see that gross but interesting Bodies Revealed Exhibit. When are you supposed to know when to make a new paragraph?

I had the feeling of being nervous mixed with excitement while walking into the exhibit. There were a couple of really cool things like half a brain and spinal cords and so and so. Then we saw the bodies. They were Asian. They were ALL Asian. I thought that was slightly odd. There was also dead babies and it showed them in different developing stages. They were all REAL too. But all and all, It was really interesting. I'd recommend it to anybody. Although, only because we got in free because my grandma had Reward Points from going to Foxwoods so much. It was, in my opinion, definitely over-priced. 20 dollars for about 30 minutes of seeing people sliced in half and with no skin. So if you're under twelve-years-old, go for it. If not, think about it a little first.

After that, my mom, brother, my grandma and her friend, all sat down in front of Ben and Jerry's and got some ice cream. Well, we got some ice cream, THEN we sat down. We had a lot of different conversations, some completely hilarious. "See, I would wake up in the morning and the peanut butter would be out on the table. Then, I would check the cabinet and we would have NO BREAD. I would eat an entire loaf of bread WITH peanut butter in one night, while sleeping." said my grandma with immense detail. I could not hold back my laughter. A while after that, my grandma takes out two twenty bills and hands one to my brother and I. The conversation after is as follows:

Ben: "What's this for?"
Grandma: "Just in case."
Zack: "In case of what?"
G: "Well, what are you doing tomorrow?"
B: " Uh. Nothing?"
G: "Well, what about tonight?"
Z: "Going to our Dad's then probably doing nothing."
Mom: "Let's just say it's for report cards. Ben got maximum honors, did you know?"
(See how I slipped in how smart I am?" xD)

Alright guys, I'll see you next time!

Money: 210 (How did I get so much!?)
Followers: 2

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doctor Who and "The Shag"

"How did he escape?"
"Well, that's the question isn't it? He's the first ones who's done it!"

As the keys on my keyboard click away, the sound of Prisoner of Azkaban on ABC Family, (Most likely Harry Potter Weekend, my favorite weekends,) I crash on to my bed in hopes of getting a bit of down time and watch one of my favorite HP movies. Alas, it's been too long since my last update. So, I thought, if you wanted an update, or if you didn't, you'd get one anyways.

The day starts at 9:30 AM. "Get up, it's 9:30." Grudgingly, I slump off to the kitchen and pour a bowl of R-Double E-S-E-S REESE'S PUFF REESE'S PUFF. PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE FLAVOR! Around 15 minutes later, I am mowing my mom's boyfriend surprisingly huge lawn, with the lawnmower sputtering like something is wrong with it. Of course, something is. I get the lawn done to my own amazement and it doesn't look that bad. After that green mess of chopped grass, I was whisked away to the tire place to get a nail pulled out from my mother's car's tire. Crossing the street full of traffic, we pass over to Staples and Ocean State. I buy a "groovy" backpack and a fine-point Sharpie. I know what you're thinking. "Why are you writing about this? You think we actually want to hear about this?" No, I don't. This is all I've got.

After two hours of my new obsession, Doctor Who, my cousin, Brian, comes over to play video games with my brother, Zach, all day. And then, I get a phone call. "Sure, Austen, you can come over."After three games of pool, losing only two dollars in a bet, we have pizza with hot sauce. I turn on my living-room TV and see that we have the BBC channel. DOCTOR WHO TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:00!!!

After around 10 holes of mini-golf with my brother, cousin, and Austen, we come across a hole with some lime-green-golf-grass-thing. "Watch out for the shag!", Austen suggests enthusiastically. "The shag? Since when is that called the shag?", my brother says know-it-all-like. "Do you know what shag meant in the 60's?" I laugh. Too much Austen Powers.

I lost. Austen won, and my brother and Brian tied for second. "Shove off, Malfoy." Ron interjects. While I try to ignore Dumbledore's speech about the Dementors, I try and concentrate on why I thought this would be a good blog. Any Doctor Who fans out there? I'm only on Episode 4: Aliens of London. Hope to finish Season 1 before school starts. For Summer Reading, I decided to read City of Ember and Frankenstein. Gosh, I hate commercials. Buckbeak is coming up.

Bye guys, I'll see you soon.
Money from mowing lawns and such: $135
Followers: 1

P.S I'm doing spell-check and for Malfoy it suggested: Malory. LOL

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bill Cosby's Airplane

Yesterday, I went to a small airport, usually not for regular travelers. My dad knows someone who let us go into the traffic tower. We got to see jets fly off with the after-burners on, so there was FIIIRE. I was also fascinated by the mini-kitchen they had and the big blinds they could pull down. There were HUGE spiders near the windows. Seriously, they were like bite-peter-parker big. My dad's friend told us, "See that plane over there? That's Bill Cosby's plane." I whip around and grab a pair of binoculars. Sure enough, there is a plane with a white top, brown bottom, and the word "Billy" on the back wing. I think "This is so cool." while my dad and brother think, "Okay. When do we get to see more planes go up up?"

My overachiever mother went shopping last night and got my school supplies! I was so excited because if there is anything more I hate then Summer Reading, it's buying school supplies. "Okay, red two-inch binder with a science sticker on the upper-right hand corner in Georgia font, size 23." Of course, I am overexaggerating, but it is somewhat like that. You may be asking, "Ben, why do you hate Summer Reading when you lovvve to read?" Good question, blog reader! I hate it because you CAN'T choose any book you WANT to read, you read books you HAVE to read. This causes it to be a chore and so much more like boring, old school, minus the friends. And it's not like they choose any good books either. I haven't' even started Summer Reading yet. Note to self: Get on that. I can't believe I'm writing about this and Billy Cosby's Plane, there was just nothing else to talk about. Unless, you want to hear about my Sims. No? WELL TO BAD.

Today, on Sims 2: Life Stories Free Play Mode, I busted out the cheat codes. There was one that I used more than any other. "Kill Sim..." with choices like "Fire", "Drown", "Disease", etc. I had this big mansion house and a fenced-in front lawn. Seeing that I could kill people at will, I made my family have around a new family member every second. See, I could make neighbors part of my family. So, after about an hour, my front yard was filled with gravestones. I renamed the lot from "Mansion 1" to "Cemetery of the Newspaper Boys" At night, the ghosts of small children and old men and the newspaper kids rise to life and attack passing strangers. Wow.

I think I should stop typing soon before any of my 2, (3?), blog readers die of boredom and Sims envy. I shall leave you with a funny joke I heard this morning:

Micky Mouse is in Divorce Court, and the Judge says,
"So, you wanna divorce your wife because she's crazy?"
And Micky says,
"Uhm, no, I think what you heard me say was is that she's f*cking Goofy!"

P.S This is almost exactly what the plane looked like, but it said "Billy", not "Camille"

P.S.S I will make a Sim out of anyone who comments. Anyone!?!?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dreams Involing Cursed Chocolate.

Monday night, I had the strangest dream I ever remember having. A bunch of random things happen at the begining but I only remember the strangest things.

It starts here. My friend, Jeremy and I are walking in our school gym. We walk over to this stand at a, book fair, maybe? This weird-looking old man has a whole assortment of things involving CHOCOLATE. Jeremy and I look at each other and each take out a dollar. The chocolate bar is $4.00. I get all angry, but then the man walks away with someone who was yelling at him. Jeremy snatches the chocolate bar and, says, like he saw it was going to happen, "See? Now, we have all our money and chocolate!" He peels off the wrapping paper and breaks a chunk off of the bar. Right then, a vibration or wave of energy radiates off of the bar and through the gym.

People stop what they're doing and turn to us, looking very angry. Jeremy shoves the piece in my hand and he runs out the door. I chase after him, knowing something is going on. All of a sudden, we're running down a country road, no where near our gym. I turn back and see something very strange. It was half girl, half wolf. She was very attractive but also very terrifying. It was slightly funny. I throw the chunk of chocolate into a bush and she dives in after it. Jeremy and I stop, tired. She sniffs what looks like dog poop, thinking it's chocolate. I forgot what happened after that, but, just wait there's more.

All of a sudden, we're in front of what looks like a waterfall. The old man is back, but now he looks Amish. The werewolfgirl is back but she's normal and even more beautiful (haha).T.o.m. (The Old Man), puts a small pinecone in an even smaller bottle. And then he says, "Once you get the pinecone out of this bottle, you may leave here." He passes it to me. I stick my fingers in it and pull it out. And then, Jeremy and I are in our friend Gavin's backyard, on the deck of his pool. Jeremy jumps over the edge and seems to have grown very tall since he is touching the ground but still higher then me on the deck. I look over and Gavin is laughing. Jeremy is standing on a very tall pole. He jumps off, hits the ground, and an explosion occurs. Then I woke up.

This is the time where I stop typing, back away from the computer, and hope this wasn't to strange and mental.

It was.

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Blog Post and Half-Blood Prince

"I want to get back into writing," I tell my friend, Gabby, through texts."I just don't know what to write about. Maybe I could make a blog?" "Well, I would read it." Gabby messages me. Although I am slightly doubtful, I text back "All right, I'll give it a shot, but, I'm not promising anything." That was basically the conversation, although happening around 10:30 last night, some details could be different.
And with that, a blog was born.
Seeing as I did NOTHING today but play Sims 2: Life Stories and mow the lawn, OH, and watch Back To The Future Part 2, I'll recount what happened around midnight on July 14, 2009. That's right. The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Premiere. These are some of the highlights and thoughts of mine:
-My mother, my brother, and my friends; Cam and Wynne and I, all pull into a huge movie theater in the town closest to ours, and see a long line wrapped around the building. We start talking nervously if we will get good seats or if there won't be enough theaters. We walk in, seeing some people dressed up, although none to impressively. I keep telling Cam and Wynne, "I am waiting for a giant Hagrid or something to walk up, and I swear, I will go and take pictures with him."
-We get there an hour early, already having bought our tickets online. People begin counting down the minutes until midnight shouting every now and then how much time left, which made many people cheer, Cam, Wynne and I among them. Oops, my dog needs to go outside, one second-- Alright, sorry. Finally the movie starts.
Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen it, don't read further.
-Right when the movie ends, I almost stand up and scream "WHERE'S HIS FUNERAL!?!?!?!?" Alright, I didn't do that, but I sure as Hell thought it. But, seriously, David Yates. Come On.
Tonks and Lupin was barely explained, Bill and Fleur are no where to be found, so they will have to work around the wedding in the next one, confusing fans. There was NO BATTLE at the end just kind of a "Avada Kedavra! *dead* RUN!!!" type of thing. I was very angered at a lot of things, but I still had a great time. Leaving out some of the Riddle Memories? Explaining the Horcruxes in about under 3 minutes? People who haven't read the book was probably like, "So, wait. What are whorecruxes?"
-Pros: Luna and Draco were awesome. Harry on Felix Felicis was GENIUS. A few of my favorite lines:
"Harry! Sir!"
"Being me has its privileges."
"I have a feeling Hagrid's Hut is the place to be tonight"
And many, many more.
-I had so much more to say on the subject, but it is almost a week since I've seen it. Just go see it, and then pretend I wrote many of the things you thought. :) I WANT THE DVD.
Well, Gabby, What do you think? Am I a bad blogger or what?
See you next time!
Man, that sucked.
P.S I Read Prisoner of Azkaban again in only THREE DAYS. Oh, and I would totally find this funny.